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TICAL2017’s call for papers: "Young ICT people innovating to improve their University"

jovenes tical2017

The TICAL Conference will hold a special call to receive proposals of innovative ICT projects that aim to make significant improvements in the universities. The selected projects will be presented in a special session at TICAL2017, which will be held in July 2017 in Costa Rica.

The organization of the event will be responsible for the air tickets (round trip) and TICAL registration for one responsible for each of the selected works, in order to allow the presentation at the Conference.


The current university scenario shows an environment of constant change and must respond to the new demands and challenges generated by phenomena such as globalization, the personalization of learning, interconnected society, open science, research networking, among others.

The number of young students who demonstrate great innovative potential to generate and deliver new ways of working is growing every day. This potential, if taken to the field of ideas, can result in significant improvements in different areas. TICAL2017 calls these young students to propose innovations based on information technology, generating substantial changes in university institutions in order to meet the challenges of our time.

TICAL's proposal is to nurture the ICT areas of the universities with interesting projects, generating a communication channel among them for such projects to be implemented, resulting in important benefits.

The communication channels that were chosen to disseminate this call are the ICT units of the universities, through the means they deem relevant to reach as many students as possible in computer courses (possibly through the academic areas of such courses). The ICT units must inform in the call an e-mail address in which it will receive the proposals. The maximum responsible for the ICT area of each University is in charge of receiving the works and select those he/she considers better, endorsing the proposal that will be sent to the Program Committee of TICAL2017.

The proposals received by the universities will be sent to the Committee, which, in turn, will select the three most significant, with the greatest value to the Conference. The call will be canceled if the evaluating group considers that none of the papers meet the requested requirements.

Objective of the call:

To promote ICT projects, developed by young university students, that allow universities to identify new initiatives and solutions, with the objective of helping to generate innovative changes in some fields of the institutional work. In addition, to strengthen the relationship of ICT areas with the student community, receiving ideas and, if possible, working on these projects as a team.

Format of presentations

The document must be sent in PDF format, with a minimum of four pages (maximum of six), focusing on one of the following thematic axes:

• ICT solutions that favor teaching
• ICT solutions that favor research
• ICT solutions for extension and university linkage
• ICT solutions to improve the services that are offered to students and teachers

The project proposal should develop the following sections:

• Project's goal
• General description of the proposal.
• Expected results (deliverables) that the university would receive at the end of the project
• Benefits for the university
• Project feasibility analysis.

Important: it is not necessary that the writers of the work have the possibility to carry it out. Nevertheless, if there is a possibility that they may collaborate in its realization, it is important that they indicate it.


The call will be open between November 28, 2016 and April 3, 2017. The work must be sent by e-mail to the account indicated by the University's ICT area.

The ICT directions of the universities will have until April 20 to send the selected proposal for further evaluation of the TICAL Program Committee.


The works may be presented by graduation and/or post graduation students of Latin American universities, individually or in groups. All members must be under 35 years old.


The presented papers will be selected, in first instance, by the university's highest ICT authority. Then, it will be transferred to the TICAL2017 Program Committee. One member of each project selected will be invited to present the work at the Conference. The cost of round-trip airfare will be covered by TICAL2017. If the Program Committee considers that the projects do not contribute to the Conference, the call will be canceled.

Among the evaluation criteria are:

• Innovative character
• Relevance to the university community
• Feasibility
• Impact on university transformation.
• The commitment to the proposal, in order to help the University's ICT area to implement it.

The projects should be sent to the e-mail given by each university, with the subject "TICAL2017: innovative ICT students". The name of the project, its purpose and the contact information of the responsible (full name, university, course, country, telephone and e-mail) must be provided in the body of the e-mail.

Subsequently, the ICT directors should send the selected work to, indicating name, surname and position of the maximum responsible of the ICT area that endorses the work.

Questions and suggestions should be sent to

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects