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Workshop trained uruguayan professionals in the use of Copernicus data

With the participation of more than 40 people, including representatives of public and private institutions, universities, and researchers involved in the use of geospatial data, the workshop "Application and Processing of Copernicus data" was held on October 19 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

The activity was part of the Copernicus Latin America Academy, promoted by RedCLARA, its member NRENs, and Copernicus, as part of the actions for the creation of a Copernicus Academy in Uruguay. In this context, the event presented different tools that will allow the development of capacities in the use, application, and processing of geospatial data in the country. "The activity was an important training event and this will help Uruguay to face the challenges it has in climate change, the water problem, and many other challenges in emergencies and disasters," said Laura Castellana, Coordinator of Academic Projects of RedCLARA.

The workshop was organized by RedCLARA, the Uruguayan Academic Network (RAU), and the Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation (AUCI).  Eduardo Grampín, Executive Director of RAU; Mark Urban, Director of International Cooperation, Academic Relations, and Communications of RedCLARA; Marta Ramírez, Representative of the Delegation of the European Union to Uruguay; and Verónica Suarez, Head of Institutional Relations of AUCI, participated in the welcoming table of the event.

The Executive Director of RedCLARA, Luis Eliécer Cadenas, also participated in the workshop with a presentation on the BELLA II project. The initiative aims to reduce the digital divide and support the development of the necessary infrastructure to consolidate and expand a digital ecosystem that provides secure, high-capacity, and quality connectivity in the region. BELLA II is one of the pillars of the EU-LAC Digital Alliance, together with Copernicus, the Investment Accelerator, and the Strategic Dialogues.

According to Laura Castellana, the meeting of experts and authorities at the event also made it possible to plan the next steps to further strengthen the Copernicus Regional Academy and its initiatives in Uruguay. "We will have new training sessions that will allow us to have an impact on the whole country, focusing on Uruguay's municipalities and their needs," she said.

Copernicus is the European Union's Earth observation program that studies our planet and its environment for the maximum benefit of all citizens. It provides information services based on Earth observation satellite data and in-situ data.

The Copernicus Regional Academy is a network that enables collaboration between the different actors of the digital ecosystem (universities, research centers, private organizations, governments) in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe to develop skills and research to train researchers, scientists, and entrepreneurs with the right skills to take full advantage of the Copernicus program.

For further information, please visit

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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