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GÉANT Cybersecurity Month will close with a webinar on internal awareness raising

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands will share its experience in raising awareness of the importance of cybersecurity among its staff at the third and final session of the series of meetings promoted by GÉANT as part of the "Cybersecurity Month 2023: Become a cyberhero" campaign.

The session "Successful internal awareness programme in R&E: approaches and outcomes" will take place on October 24, at 13h GMT, with the participation of Jan Landsaat, who has more than 17 years of experience in the field of educational technology and currently works as privacy officer at Hogeschool Rotterdam. The Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences is the first and only major educational institution in the Netherlands to require all its staff (more than 4,000 people) to undergo security and awareness training.

The webinar is aimed primarily at those responsible for security awareness programs in their organization (awareness specialists, CISOs, security or communication managers, learning and development specialists). Thanks to the collaboration with RedCLARA, the session will have simultaneous translation services into Spanish and Portuguese.

The session "Exploring the impact of neurodiversity on cybersecurity practice and risk management", which was to be held this Thursday 19 was cancelled due to a health problem of the invited panelist, Holly Foxcroft. A later recording of the talk will be made available by GÉANT on the campaign page.

October is Cybersecurity Month, the European initiative coordinated by ENISA and the European Commission to raise awareness of cybersecurity in Europe. The CSM23 campaign, "Become a Cyberhero," focuses on online privacy, phishing, social engineering, ransomware and the importance of reporting cyber incidents. For more information, visit

To register for the session "Successful internal awareness programme in R&E: approaches and outcomes", please visit


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