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First webinar of BELLA II: Allying to build a digital ecosystem


The first webinar of BELLA II, “Allies to build the digital ecosystem of Latin America and the Caribbean”, will be a stakeholders bonding and exchanging space, preceding the BELLA II and the Digital Alliance UELAC policy dialogues.

The webinar is organized by RedCLARA, the leader of the implementation of the BELLA II project, and will be held on Monday, May 22, for South America; Tuesday, May 23, for Central America; and Wednesday, May 24, for the Caribbean.

During the webinar, the participants will learn more about the goals, strategies, expected results, and finance mechanism of the BELLA II Project, and about its underlying concepts: meaningful connectivity ( the use of connectivity to generate economic and social value), human-centered digital transformation (an ethical and human-centered way of taking advantage of digital transformation technologies), and the idea of sharing resources and infrastructure to address the reduction of the digital divide, efficiently and effectively.

The Digital Alliance EULAC impact and the BELLA II contribution to it, the policy dialogues importance, and the investment accelerator with the development of test beds and the connection with start-ups, universities, and research centers, will be other topics of the webinars.

Furthermore, the opportunities of the EU Earth Observation Programme, Copernicus, and the relevance of its data to new services and products focus on productivity and value generation, as part of the EULAC Digital Alliance

The speakers will be representatives of RedCLARA, DG-INTPA, DG-Connect, TECNALIA, Copernicus, and National Research and Education Networks.

Representatives of governments and their agencies, ministries of education, science, and technology, ministries of environment, innovation agencies, business chambers, universities and research centers, telecommunications, infrastructure, IT, and digital transformation companies, business chambers, cooperation agencies, regional organizations, and civil society, among other sectors, are invited to join the event.

Registration for Southamerica webinar, May 22:
Registration for Mesoamerica webinar, May 23:
Registration for Caribbean webinar, May 24:


Webinar Dynamics

  • Welcome (5 minutes), Luis Eliécer Cadenas, RedCLARA Executive Director.
  • BELLA II video (2 minutes).
  • Remarks by DG-INTPA representative (5 minutes): Emma Clua, Head of Unit for Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, and Regional Operation.
  • Remarks by ECLAC representative (5 minutes).
    May 22: Sebastián Rovira, Economic Affairs Officer and Officer in Charge of the Innovation and New Technologies Unit of ECLAC's Division of Production, Productivity, and Enterprise Development.
    May 23 and 24: Valeria Jordán, Economic Affairs Officer of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
  • Remarks by TECNALIA representative (5 minutes):
    May 22: Sergio Bandinelli, Business Development Director of TECNALIA Ventures.
    May 23: Juan Gárate, ICT-ESI Area, International Director, TECNALIA.
    May 24: Maika Gorostidi Pérez, International Relations Director, TECNALIA.
  • Speech by a representative of the Copernicus Program (5 minutes):
    May 22: Florencio Utreras, General Director of the Copernicus project in Chile (Centro de Modelamiento Matemático de la FCFM- Universidad de Chile).
    May 23 and 24: Carlos Kan, Director of Innovation of the Governmental Authority for Innovation, Panama
  • Speeches by representatives of Academic Networks:
    May 22: Paola Arellano, REUNA Executive Director (Chile).
    May 23 and 24: Carlos Gamboa, RedCONARE Executive Director (Costa Rica)
  • BELLA II Presentation: Luis Eliécer Cadenas, RedCLARA Executive Director (20 minutes)
  • Questions and answers (35 minutes)
  • Closing (5 minutes).


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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