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Get to know the international speakers of TICAL2017

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The TICAL conference presented the team of international panelists expected to share their experiences with the Latin American ICT community between July 3 and 5, in San José, Costa Rica, where the seventh edition of the event will take place.

The dutch Wouter Los, the north americans Fred Baker and Chris Smith, as well as the costa rican Henning Jensen will share their knowledge and experience in the plenary sessions of TICAL2017, shared between the conference and the Latin American Meeting of e-Science.

From the Conference’s host country comes the Dr. Henning Jensen Pennington, rector of the University of Costa Rica (UCR). Born in Honduras, Dr. Jensen was created in Costa Rica and received his education there. Master in Psychology and Doctor in Philosophy (Psychology) he has held various positions at the University of Costa Rica among which we can mention: director of the Institute of Psychological Research (1985-1991); Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (1991-1999); Director and co-founder of the Doctorate in Studies of Society and Culture (2002-2004) and Vice Chancellor for Research (2004-2011).

Jensen is the rector of the UCR since May 2012 and has led the creation of a scientific park consisting of a conglomerate of research networks. In September of 2013 it signed the Magna Carta of European Universities, which promotes freedom of teaching, learning and university autonomy.

Directly from the United States, the former director of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Fred Baker, and Chris Smith, president of the South American Astronomy Coordination Committee (SAACC), will join the Latin American ICT community in San Jose.

Ph.D. in Astronomy by the Harvard University, Smith (who resides in Chile) is the director of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) and Associate Director of National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO). Oversees all AURA operations in Chile, including the Gemini Observatory, the SOAR, DCAM and LSST telescopes. His main areas of research and projects are in Dark Energy, Cosmic Acceleration and Photometric Studies of Magellanic Clouds.

Fred Baker is an engineer specialized in the development of computer network protocols for the Internet. Since 1989, he has been involved with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the agency that develops Internet standards. He was the chairman of several IETF working groups, including several that specified the management information bases (MIBs) used to manage network bridges and popular telecommunications links. Baker served as president of the IETF from 1996 to 2001.

Originally educated in theoretical and physical chemistry, Wouter Los entered in biology and occupied diverse positions of investigation and management. Interested in e-BioSciencie and data science, Dr. Los is the director of the Zoological Museum (Institute for Systematics and Population Biology) at the University of Amsterdam. He participated in several European and global initiatives with respect to information technology in systematic biology. Member of the European Commission's High Level Group, which published the Riding the Wave report, Los has initiated a number of initiatives in biodiversity e-Science, including the development of the Global Biodiversity Information (GBIF) and large EU funded projects such as Fauna Europaea and the European Biodiversity Information Network (ENBI).

TICAL2017 will be held between July 3 and 5, 2017 in San José, Costa Rica. The Organizing Committee requests the interested parties to make their registration and reservations in the hotels. TICAL has established agreements that will grant the right to differentiated tariffs for attendees, but the deadline for accessing them closes on June 1. All information about TICAL2017, its program, the list of recommended hotels and the access to the other two events, are available at:


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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