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LACNet celebrates one-year leading transformation through blockchain technology

LACNet, the international association that promotes the first blockchain infrastructure for inclusive and scalable solutions on Web 3.0, celebrated its first anniversary on the 27th of February. LACNet is the result of the alliance between RedCLARA and LACNIC, in collaboration with the IDB Lab, within the framework of the LACChain regional programme.The LACNet Network promotes an inclusive, efficient, and secure blockchain ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean through LACChain networks.

The initiative celebrated its first anniversary in a virtual event, highlighting its achievements and challenges to continue impacting people lives through technology.

The authorities of the partner institutions, with the likes of the CEO of LACNet and leader of LACChain, Alejandro Pardo, the president of LACNIC, Oscar Robles, and the CEO of IDBLab, Irene Arias, participated in the celebration,.While welcoming the attendees, Pardo praised LACNet's achievements in this first year: “LACNet brings the web 3 closer to developers, governments, corporations, and startups that aims to change lives of real people throughout this technology. The blockchain networks orchestrated by LACNet have exceeded expectations in the number of beneficiaries, positively impacting more than 7.8 million people by the end of 2022 through 80 solutions deployed in health, education, employment, and many more areas”.

The IDBLab CEO, Irene Arias, highlighted the awards received by LACChain in recent years, last one related to LACNet success. “In 2022, LACChain was awarded in the Social Innovation category at the INATBA (The International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications) Awards and now has won 11 international prizes.  Therefore, LACNet is the orchestrating vehicle that allows to enhance in a neutral and sustainable way the reach and achievements of LACChain er to make the dream of a large common blockchain space for the region come true.” Arias also thanked LACNet's founding partners on behalf of IDBLab: “All of this could not be possible without the support of RedCLARA and LACNIC.”

The event includes a high-level panel on the future of blockchain technology and evolution opportunities in the coming years.  The conversation was moderated by Ilán Melendez, regional leader of LACChain, and was attended by Daniela Barbosa, Director of the Linux Foundation, Dan Burnett, Executive Director of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Marcos Allende, CTO of LACChain, and Mariana de la Roche, Co-chair of INATBA.LACNet is an international non-profit association that results from the alliance between RedCLARA and LACNIC in collaboration with IDB Lab. As an spin-off of the LACChain Global Alliance, LACNet orchestrate LACChain blockchain networks guaranteeing neutrality and sustainability, and it is the first global, production grade, public-permissioned, enterprise blockchain network.

LACNet will allow organizations, governments, and companies to add their projects to a network that guarantees the service level this type of entities require. This network is unique that is simultaneously open, governed, in keeping with regulations, eco-friendly, and with a focus on inclusion.

For further information, please visit:

The video of the anniversary event is available on the LACNet Youtube channel:


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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