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Latin American organizations launch Blockchain training course for business and government use

The Working Group on Blockchain Formation - formed by specialists from the national research and education networks (NREN) of Latin America and articulated by RedCLARA -, acting within the scope of the LACChain Alliance for the development of the Blockchain Ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean led by the BID-LAB, launched an introductory course on the topic, which will take place from July 25th to August 26th.

The training is being given to 36 professionals from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti and Mexico and will address the essential concepts to know the fundamentals of Blockchain and evaluate its implementation from the perspective of supporting the development of organizational objectives. The students of this first class of the Course are specialists in innovation, professors, service appropriation personnel, IT coordinators and virtual learning directors, invited to participate by the different NRENs in the region.

The course will allow those who successfully complete it, as well as its corresponding NREN, to replicate it within their countries according to their interest to deepen the knowledge that exists about Blockchain and the use of LACNet as a Blockchain infrastructure designed to allow inclusive and scalable web 3.0 projects and solutions with legal and regulatory compliance.

The initiative counts on the pedagogical coordination of LACChain and the support of the NRENs of Latin America, namely: CUDI (Mexico), RNP (Brazil), REUNA (Chile), CEDIA (Ecuador), which provides the learning management service on which the course is being held, and RENATA (Colombia), which provided its specific support in inducing and uploading content.

For more information about future editions of the Blockchain Training Course, write to


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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