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The call to apply for the MANRS Fellows program is now open

The MANRS (Mutually Agreed Standards for Routing Security) community launched the call for the MANRS Fellows program for the third year in a row, offering highly motivated individuals the opportunity to learn about the initiative's mission and work on its international development.

The MANRS Fellowship Program allows these individuals to bring new perspectives, innovative ideas and recent research experience to MANRS' work to improve routing security. Fellows are not necessarily representatives of a MANRS participating organization, but work with ambassadors, respected routing security professionals, to enhance their skills while working in a diverse environment.

The fellowship program has three categories: virtual/online trainers, researchers and policy analysts. On the training track, participants carry out workshops and tutorials with the various technical communities that require it. In the search track, the MANRS team suggests three topics, with the possibility for candidates to suggest additional topics, provided they are duly justified. In the policy analysis part, participants will promote MANRS actions and programs with decision-makers and the multi-stakeholder community of local or regional IGFs.

The deadline to apply is March 18th. For more information about the program and/or to apply, please visit


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects