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February 23, 15:00 GMT: Join the launch webinar of LACNet, the first global enterprise-grade production blockchain network

The launch webinar of LACNet, the first global enterprise-grade blockchain network in production, will take place on Wednesday, February 23, at 3:00 p.m. GMT (10 EST) with the participation of representatives from RedCLARA, LACNIC and the IDB Lab.

LACNet was officially launched on February 14 and is the result of the alliance between RedCLARA and LACNIC in collaboration with IDB Lab within the framework of the LACChain regional program. The new network will allow organizations, governments and companies to join with their projects to an infrastructure with the guarantee of service level that this type of interested entities require. It is a unique network as it is simultaneously open, governed, regulated, ecological and with a focus on inclusion.

At the event, the authorities will be received and moderated by Ilán Meléndez, Business Development Manager of LACNet. The Executive Director of RedCLARA, Luis Eliécer Cadenas, the Executive Director of LACNIC, Óscar Robles, the General Manager of IDB Lab, Irene Arias, the Principal Specialist of IDB Lab and Leader of LACChain, Alejandro Pardo, and the Specialist of the Technology Department of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Technical Leader of LACChain, Marcos Allende, who will present technical characteristics, use cases and the benefits of the new network for Latin America, already confirmed their participations.

Blockchain is one of the emerging technologies with the greatest potential for market transformation and impact on inclusion, due to its ability to guarantee the ownership of its data to vulnerable populations, providing them with access to social, economic and financial services and providing them with a digital identity. In this scenario, LACNIC, RedCLARA and IDB Lab join forces to continue promoting the development of an inclusive, efficient and secure blockchain ecosystem. This alliance aims to expand the benefits of this technology to all populations, organizations, companies, academic and research communities in the region.

For more information about LACNet, visit

To register and guarantee your participation in the launch webinar, go to



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Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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