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Rafael "Lito" Ibarra is inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame

One of the founders of RedCLARA, the Salvadoran and father of the implementation of the national research and education network of his country in the first decade of the 21st century, Rafael Ibarra -Lito, for his friends and the netizen world- was included in this reputed and select group this December 14, 2021.

21 people from 11 countries around the world received the important award; The Internet Hall of Fame is the annual award created in 2012 by the Internet Society to honor those who have made significant contributions to the development and growth of the Internet around the world.

In a heartfelt note addressed to the members of RedCLARA, in which he referred to his well-deserved award, Lito said: “I deeply appreciate your friendship and support throughout the time, and the opportunities I have had to learn with you, and to work for a better Internet in our region”.

Get to know the complete profile of Rafael “Lito” Ibarra:

More Information on the Internet Hall of Fame:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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