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Get to know the 10 works awarded in TICAL2021 and the 5th Latin American e-Science Meeting

The papers were selected by the Program Committee, taking into account the grades assigned to each work by the Evaluation Committee - during the selection process for presentation at the events - and the quality of the work and presentation carried out in the parallel sessions of TICAL and the e-Science Meeting.

As defined in the calls, the 10 best papers will receive support up to a maximum of USD $300 (three hundred US dollars) per work and for a single time, to be used in one of the following options:

  • Registration into an international Congress or Conference of relevance in its specialty, in which networking is promoted. The event must be virtual (on-line) and take place between October 2021 and August 2022. If the value of the event is greater than the established support, the difference must be covered by the author / authors of the work.
  • Participation in a specialized virtual (on-line) course.
  • Acquisition of technical reference material.
  • Certification exam.

RedCLARA will make direct payment for these activities and in no case the monetary value will be delivered directly to the beneficiaries.

The selected papers are:

  1. “SIU-Quechua: Sistema de validación de identidad para exámenes a distancia”. Autores: Pamela Bezchinsky, Claudio Corlatti, Guillermo Darío Diorio, Marcela Rossi (Argentina).
  2. “Repensando la universidad desde el arte colaborativo en red”. Autores: Rolando Cori; Patricio Felmer, Viviana Soto, Eduardo Hamuy, Lilian Pizarro, Andrés Daneris, Vivian Fritz, Héctor Torres, Fabián Leotteau, Cristián Errandonea, Leonardo Cendoyya, Edgardo Cantón (Chile).
  3. “Incorporación de modelos cristalográficos 3D en la enseñanza en el aula virtual”. Autores: Rubén Eduardo Guadarrama García, Ana Pilar Marín Guzmán (Mexico).
  4. “Diseño Colaborativo de espacios mediatizados para la creación telemática a partir de la construcción de escenarios performáticos en red”. Autor: Mario Valencia (Colombia).
  5. “Acercando las tecnologías a las aulas, acelerando el aprovechamiento escolar”. Autores: Maximiliano Morya Catalán Mendoza, Verónica Lizette Robles Dueñas , Felipe de Jesús Orozco Luna (Mexico).
  6. “Desarrollo de una plataforma de monitoreo y control para un sistema barra y bola haciendo uso del IoT”. Autor: Jorge Eliécer Quintero Escobar (Colombia).
  7. “Assin@UFSC: Uma Solução Centralizada para Assinatura Digital de Documentos”. Autores: Guilherme Arthur Geronimo, Giovani Pieri, Davi Böger, Luís Cordeiro, Roque Bezerra, Jean Martina, Luciano Fernandes da Rocha, Jean Carlo  Faustino (Brazil).
  8. “Desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de inteligencia de negocios en la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica”. Autores: Francisco Duran Montoya, Rolando Rojas Coto (Costa Rica).
  9. “Un modelo para el seguimiento de cursos de capacitación”. Autores: Idalia Flores de la Mota, Alejandro Felipe Zárate Pérez (Mexico).
  10. “Transformación Digital – Experiencia Trabajo colaborativo entre el Sistema de Información Universitario y la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento”. Autores: Analía Verónica Barberio, Pablo Alejandro Martínez, Daniela Leticia Guardado (Argentina).

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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