- Luiz Alberto Rasseli Junior
Get to know the 10 works awarded in TICAL2021 and the 5th Latin American e-Science Meeting
The papers were selected by the Program Committee, taking into account the grades assigned to each work by the Evaluation Committee - during the selection process for presentation at the events - and the quality of the work and presentation carried out in the parallel sessions of TICAL and the e-Science Meeting.
As defined in the calls, the 10 best papers will receive support up to a maximum of USD $300 (three hundred US dollars) per work and for a single time, to be used in one of the following options:
- Registration into an international Congress or Conference of relevance in its specialty, in which networking is promoted. The event must be virtual (on-line) and take place between October 2021 and August 2022. If the value of the event is greater than the established support, the difference must be covered by the author / authors of the work.
- Participation in a specialized virtual (on-line) course.
- Acquisition of technical reference material.
- Certification exam.
RedCLARA will make direct payment for these activities and in no case the monetary value will be delivered directly to the beneficiaries.
The selected papers are:
- “SIU-Quechua: Sistema de validación de identidad para exámenes a distancia”. Autores: Pamela Bezchinsky, Claudio Corlatti, Guillermo Darío Diorio, Marcela Rossi (Argentina).
- “Repensando la universidad desde el arte colaborativo en red”. Autores: Rolando Cori; Patricio Felmer, Viviana Soto, Eduardo Hamuy, Lilian Pizarro, Andrés Daneris, Vivian Fritz, Héctor Torres, Fabián Leotteau, Cristián Errandonea, Leonardo Cendoyya, Edgardo Cantón (Chile).
- “Incorporación de modelos cristalográficos 3D en la enseñanza en el aula virtual”. Autores: Rubén Eduardo Guadarrama García, Ana Pilar Marín Guzmán (Mexico).
- “Diseño Colaborativo de espacios mediatizados para la creación telemática a partir de la construcción de escenarios performáticos en red”. Autor: Mario Valencia (Colombia).
- “Acercando las tecnologías a las aulas, acelerando el aprovechamiento escolar”. Autores: Maximiliano Morya Catalán Mendoza, Verónica Lizette Robles Dueñas , Felipe de Jesús Orozco Luna (Mexico).
- “Desarrollo de una plataforma de monitoreo y control para un sistema barra y bola haciendo uso del IoT”. Autor: Jorge Eliécer Quintero Escobar (Colombia).
- “Assin@UFSC: Uma Solução Centralizada para Assinatura Digital de Documentos”. Autores: Guilherme Arthur Geronimo, Giovani Pieri, Davi Böger, Luís Cordeiro, Roque Bezerra, Jean Martina, Luciano Fernandes da Rocha, Jean Carlo Faustino (Brazil).
- “Desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de inteligencia de negocios en la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica”. Autores: Francisco Duran Montoya, Rolando Rojas Coto (Costa Rica).
- “Un modelo para el seguimiento de cursos de capacitación”. Autores: Idalia Flores de la Mota, Alejandro Felipe Zárate Pérez (Mexico).
- “Transformación Digital – Experiencia Trabajo colaborativo entre el Sistema de Información Universitario y la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento”. Autores: Analía Verónica Barberio, Pablo Alejandro Martínez, Daniela Leticia Guardado (Argentina).