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The countdown has started: Less than a month for TICAL2021 and the 5th e-Science Meeting

The 11th edition of the TICAL Conference and the 5th of the Latin American e-Science Meeting are getting closer. The events will start on the morning of August 30th, on Monday, and will run until Thursday, September 2nd, in virtual and free of charge format for the second year, and with the confirmed participation of international authorities and speakers in addition to the expected launch of Project BELLA connectivity.

A team of renowned international experts will be in charge of the task of rethinking the “University driven by digital technologies”. TICAL and the e-Science Meeting already have confirmed presentations by the polish Paweł Świeboda, General Director of the Human Brain Project; the catalan Francesc Pedró, Director of the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO IESALC), the american Martin Hilbert, Professor at the University of California Davis; the chilean Cesár A. Hidalgo, Director of the Collective Learning Center of the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Institute of the University of Toulouse and the the astronaut Marcos Pontes, Minister of State for Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil.

In addition to the plenary sessions, where the names above will share their experiences and knowledge with the public, the events will also feature a varied track of activities, with the presentation of works in parallel sessions, training courses and workshops, round tables and the official launch of the connectivity of the BELLA Project (Building Europe Link to Latin America), basic infrastructure - with the support of the European Commission and the academic networks GÉANT, GARR, FCCN, DFN, RedIRIS, RENATER, RENATA, REUNA, RNP, CEDIA and RedCLARA - which will directly connect Europe with Latin America via the EllaLink submarine cable.

Reminder: Registration is free of charge and can be done right now at, where you can also find more information about the speakers, program and preparations for the most important meeting of ICT directors in Latin America. Ensure your participation now and join us in the TICAL2021 experience.


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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