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Last days to apply for the AmeriGEO Week call for papers

The deadline for submission to the call for abstracts for the AmeriGEO Week (August 23-27, online) is June 15, 2021. The event is looking for abstracts for presentations and posters on the various Earth observation applications to understand and sustainably manage natural resources and the environment.

AmeriGEO Week 2021 aims to bring communities together to identify synergies and pathways to collaboration among regional efforts related to integrating Earth observations, geographic, statistical and other information. These conversations are intended to take the issue beyond programmatic updates and facilitate an in-depth discussion on multilateral cooperation.

A variety of participants from around the world have already registered for the Week, which brings together local, national, regional, global and many other stakeholders to promote multilateral cooperation.

Abstracts (max. 1000 characters) should be sent to the AmeriGEO week organizing team through the following form: Call for Abstracts ESP

For more information on the event, please visit AmeriGEO Week 2021

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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