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RedCLARA’s Manager receives award for her contribution to technology sector in Chile


Marcela Larenas was honored with the InspiraTEC Award, that seeks to recognize outstanding women in the technology sector who have a positive impact on their environment.

RedCLARA's Academic Relations Manager, Marcela Larenas, received last Tuesday, August 8, in Santiago, Chile, the InspiraTEC award, which seeks to recognize outstanding women in the technological sector in Chile who have a positive impact on their environment.

Larenas was honored in the "Trajectory" category, which honored professionals or entrepreneurs who dedicated themselves to initiatives or projects in the technology sector along the years. The award ceremony was attended by the President of Chile, Michele Bachelet.

"It is a great honor to be recognized for my professional performance, but even more, for being chosen as a woman who can motivate other young women to develop in this special world of technologies. This distinction has opened a concern that I must think of, that is how to be able to give a motivation to more women to join the sector", points Larenas.

Engineer of Execution in the Processing of Information and Master's Degree in Engineering Sciences mentioning Industries-Information Systems by the University of Chile, Marcela Larenas has been an academic at the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Chile, and has been working as a researcher at the University of Chile, working also as Director of Information Technologies of said house of higher studies. She has also served as Project and Development Manager of the National University Network (REUNA) and is currently the Community Manager of RedCLARA.

InspiraTEC is an initiative of the Undersecretariat of Economy and Small Companies, with the collaboration of the Undersecretariat of the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality, General Directorate of International Economic Relations, Conicyt, Millennium Scientific Initiative and BancoEstado.


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