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New edition of DeCLARA is now available online


In its version of nº 50, the publication brings a complete coverage on TICAL2017

The TICAL2017 Conference and the first Latin American e-Science Meeting, held between July 3 and 5, in Costa Rica, are highlighted in the new edition of the DeCLARA bulletin, which also features exclusive interviews with the new Executive Director of RedCLARA, Luis Eliécer Cadenas, and with his predecessor, Florencio Utreras, a summary of the last months of the MAGIC project, a story about the success of the new search engine of LA Referencia and much more. Download DeCLARA nº50 now and enjoy reading!

In the "Press Room" section of RedCLARA’s Portal you can find all the editions of DeCLARA.


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