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RENATA and Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. sign a renegotiation agreement in order to generate new service models and expand the coverage of the academic network in the country

The National Academic Network of Advanced Technology of Colombia (RENATA) and Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. signed an agreement to renegotiate the IRU contract, which has been in operation since 2015, in order to generate new service models, expand coverage, provide high-capacity connectivity throughout the national territory, maintaining the autonomy to generate alliances with other suppliers.

(Source: RENATA) “With the signing of the agreement, we define together with Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. an as a service model, with the same quality, reliability and security in the services that this company provides as our main operator. In this way, we give our Corporation solvency and financial peace of mind, allowing us to concentrate and guide ourselves in what corresponds to us as the National Research and Education Network (RNIE) of the country ”, highlighted Rafael Rodríguez Maldonado, executive director of RENATA.

This type of agreement enhances the portfolios offered by the parties and the search for strategic alliances for the development of new services or projects, in order to meet the challenges of the science, education, technology and innovation communities that are increasingly more demanding in response to the needs of the country.

Regarding the benefits for our clients, such as Higher Education Institutions, research centers, among other institutions of science, education, technology and innovation “RENATA will have a dynamic network, which moves depending on where the institutions are, totally flexible and that will allow the Network to seek and explore better conditions for our affiliates to the extent that they demand it. And in an environment of competition like the one we have in Colombia, it relieves us and guarantees better prices and conditions for our users of the country's education and research ecosystem. " said Rafael Rodríguez Maldonado, executive director of RENATA.

The National Academic Network of Advanced Technology, RENATA, is the national research and education network of Colombia (RNIE), which connects, articulates and integrates the academic and scientific community, the productive sector and the State, among themselves and with the world , for the development of knowledge, research, education and innovation in the country.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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