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Three new organizations joined REUNA Chile in the second semester of 2020

The University of Aysén, the Atacama Astronomical Park Foundation and the Chilean Institute of Law and Technology are the newest members of the Chilean advanced network REUNA, also accessing the benefits offered by RedCLARA to their associated national networks. The agreements for the entry of organizations into the Chilean network were signed during the second semester of 2020 and aim, through cooperation and joint initiatives, to promote innovation and the development of the science, technology and higher education ecosystem in Chile.

The University of Aysén is an institution of higher education, state and autonomous, whose mission is to contribute to national development, with special emphasis on Patagonia-Aysén, through the comprehensive training of professionals, research, creation and innovation and linkage with the medium.

Its incorporation to REUNA, through this agreement, establishes a framework of lines of action to generate joint work opportunities in areas of mutual interest, taking advantage of the collaboration networks established in pursuit of the development of science, technology and innovation.

The Atacama Astronomical Park is a non-profit foundation, dependent on the National Research and Development Agency that administers the non-onerous concession granted by the Ministry of National Assets. It is located in the Llano de Chajnantor, commune of San Pedro de Atacama, in the Antofagasta Region.

The purpose of the agreement with REUNA is to establish a framework to explore joint opportunities that promote long-term collaboration in the implementation and operation of the interconnection of the different astronomical initiatives that are located in the Park, in synergy with the development carried out. by REUNA regarding advanced network infrastructures, for the transmission of data, both within Chile and towards international institutions.

The Chilean Institute of Law and Technologies is a Chilean private law corporation, non-profit and financed by its own members; was established in December 2009 and is made up mainly of university professors and highly specialized professionals, distributed throughout the country, dedicated to promoting an adequate understanding of the technological phenomenon in its interrelation with the legal field.

The objective of the agreement signed between both institutions is to collaborate mutually in matters of law and technologies, through the voluntary exchange of scientific, technical, statistical information, good practices, training, development and / or dissemination on relevant topics in this area, such as, for example , regulation of telecommunications, protection of personal data, electronic signature, teleworking and cybersecurity, among others. To do this, they will be able to organize activities focused on the dissemination, awareness or exercises of cybersecurity and information technology in general, and jointly create products for the National Research and Education community.

To read the full note, please visit



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