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Invoking the "muses" of the past, MuRe holds its seventh and last session


To invoke the Muses for the task of an artistic activity was frequent in the Homeric times through the poets. Then, it expanded to those places that developed intellectual tasks, philosophical circles, etc. In fact, one of the meanings of the word museum is linked to the concept of temple of the Muses.

Today, from a networked museography with MuRe Global, we ask ourselves what are the Muses that are present in this new way of "doing" and "being" a museum. What substances create and play a museography on the internet in real time? To discuss and answer this question is that the seventh and last edition of the project "MuRe: museografía en Red" will be held this Thursday, October 5 - between 11h and 12h30, Uruguay time (GMT -3). The initiative is created by Anilla Cultural Latin America-Europa in Uruguay and supported by RedCLARA, with live webcast.

With the title "Muses of MuRe", the online session will be structured in three blocks of content and interaction: Presentations, Collective Action and Cosmic Piano Jam. In addition, thanks to the characteristics of a decentralized collaborative project, it will have, along with the transmission in Spanish, transmission channels in Quechua (by the Technical University of North in Ecuador), English, Portuguese and Italian (by UdelaR translator in Montevideo, RAU in Uruguay, with the support of the Engineering Faculty of UdelaR, among others).

Mure, the spanish abreviation of “Network Museography” aims to generate an exhibition circuit on the Internet, narratives about heritage objects, dialogues and interactions in real time with such objects, where there is only their sample together through the advanced Internet. The museums, cultural centers, institutions and people involved do not coexist geographically, but they will inhabit the same virtual space and time together. “Museografía en Red” builds stories and narratives between objects and people in local and global key.

MuRe has an audiovisual and interactive format with the public that participates in the online sessions. It proposes a new and different way to interact and share knowledge through the internet. For more information, visit:


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects