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With discussions on digital transformation and the role of universities in the digital economy, TICAL2020 reaches its third day of activities

With the participation of its honorary president, Ernesto Chinkes, and a qualified team of speakers, the TICAL2020 Conference and the 4th Latin American Meeting of e-Science arrived, this Wednesday, to its third day of activities with the discussion around the digital transformation of the intelligent university and the role of universities in the so-called “Digital Economy”. The events have been taking place online since Monday, August 31 at

The “discussion table” was formed by the experts Carlos Seaton (Expert in Digital Innovation and professor at the Simón Bolívar University), Licia Florio (GEÁNT Trust and Identity Manager), Enrique Iglesias (Telecommunications Specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank) and Juan Pablo Carvallo (CEO of the Ecuadorian academic network, CEDIA).

According to Seaton, universities must deeply discuss the issue of digital transformation. "Technologies have been telling us for a long time: it is time to produce profound changes in the way we learn and teach," he warned. For Juan Pablo Carvallo, however, the challenge is not only to use the technologies, but to do so effectively. "Innovation is more than creating modern artifacts; it's about having ideas that help improve people's lives,” he explained. Carvallo and Licia Florio also referred to the efforts of their networks (CEDIA and GEÁNT, respectively) in this digital transformation.

In the opinion of Florio, “to strengthen innovation, R&E networks must to be able to attract and retain young talent”; Carvallo and Seaton agreed, saying that the great need in this new time is the training of qualified personnel to deal with this new “hybrid” education. "Fortunately, in Latin America, there are RedCLARA and its member networks, which are the exploration, experimentation and development infrastructure for a network of smart universities," concluded Seaton.

The plenary closed with the participation of Oscar Robles, CEO of Lacnic, who shared a lecture about the role of universities in the digital economy. The recording of the entire session will be available on the RedCLARA channel on YouTube after the end of the Conference, RedCLARA-TV*.

The day continues with the program published here below, also available at Registration is still open and free of charge. Register and participate.

Wednesday, September 2:

TICAL Parallel Session | Transforming the student's learning experience

  • New virtual mobility models supported by the use of ICT: The Virtual Mobility Space in Higher Education - eMOVIES
  • Digital Platform for Technology-Based Entrepreneurship (EBT) for engineering students: UNICATÓLICA case
  • Experiences of digital inclusion at the University of Guadalajara: elements for the ICT agenda of Latin American universities

E-Science Parallel Session | Disruptive technologies at the University

  • Active tele-spaces, space for creation and telematic research in arts and design
  • Internet of Robotic Things platforms for research and teaching


  • CISCO: Developing Applications on Network Infrastructure using DevNet
  • Sessions on Computer Security
    • Security in academic networks in the context of the pandemic
    • Panel: CSIRT of National Scope
  • Open Innovation (CEDIA)

The TICAL2020 Conference and the 4th Latin American Meeting of e-Science are organized by RedCLARA and the BELLA Project, with the support of the national research and education networks of Latin America and the sponsorship of Google, Bedu.Tech, Amazon Web Services, CloudHesive Latam , Commscope, LACNIC, Internet Society and Cirrus Identity.

* The plenary sessions of the first two days of the event are already available on our YouTube channel: RedCLARA-TV.

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