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TICAL2020 and 4th e-Science Meeting will start on Monday: Know how to participate and see the full program

Those of us who work in the organization of TICAL2020 and the 4th Latin American e-Science Meeting want to thank you for your registration and participation in this, the tenth version of our annual meeting. Yes! We will be 10 years! Well, the pandemic that affects us globally led us to live this edition remotely, taking advantage of the benefits that technology offers, which this time allows us to meet virtually, taking advantage of all the applications that will allow us to interact in a fluid and efficient way , thanks to an alliance established between RedCLARA, Google and BeduTech.

Did you know that this is the first meeting of this magnitude to be experienced online in the world of advanced academic networks? Yes, you and us, all united, will be making history between August 31st  and September 3rd of this weird 2020. And to make this a great experience, we want to share some information about the Program and a few tips that will facilitate your participation. By the way! All of our plenary sessions will have streaming in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

How to enter each session?

If you are an attendee, go to the Program button on our website (,  verify that your browser is in the correct Time Zone (if it is not, please make the change to your city), choose the day you want, and click on the red icon next to the Google Calendar logo. You will be directed to the streaming page of the session.

If you are a panelist, the information to participate has been received in another email.

How to send questions or comments to the panelists?

By Twitter: Send all your questions to the panelists of the plenary sessions and those of the parallel sessions and workshops, using the hashtag # TICAL2020

By Slido: You can send your questions or comments to the panelists of the plenary sessions by Slido, for this you must have an account created there (, and you will soon receive in your email the password that will allow you to interact.

If you still have questions about how to enter each session or how to interact, please go to the bottom of the website ( and click on FAQ.


As in all our live editions, we always have a company fair, to present the most avant-garde products and services for the ICT development of our universities. This year will not be different, and we will have each day and at two different times this fair in virtual mode. So, you will have the opportunity to visit the following virtual stands (tip: Don't miss them!):

  • BeduTech & Google
  • Cisco
  • Commscope
  • Cirrus Identity
  • CloudHesive & AWS


Every day we will have different workshops that will provide us with tools to improve our performance in different areas. Let's see what each day brings:

Monday 31 August:

  • Sessions on Computer Security:
    • TICAL Sec Meeting - CSIRTs NRENs (By invitation only)
    • Workshop Creation of CSIRT for decision makers
  • Café CIO of the friend Luis G.
  • Scientific Dissemination: Re-create science

Tuesday, September 1:

  • RUTE-AL: Role of NRENs in Post-COVID-19 Health
  • Sessions on Computer Security
    • The role of the CISO in the digital transformation of organizations
    • Cybercrime and International Cooperation
    • Workshop Creation of CSIRT for decision makers
  • Introduction to Google Cloud Platform and its potential with Artificial Intelligence

Wednesday, September 2:

  • CISCO: Developing Applications on Network Infrastructure using DevNet
  • Sessions on Computer Security
    • Security in academic networks in the context of the pandemic
    • Panel: CSIRT of National Scope
  • Open Innovation (CEDIA)

Thursday, September 3:

  • AWS: Big Data and Education: A tour of uses and applications that modern institutions use to improve the experience of students and teachers.
  • ISOC: secure Internet: web services, time security and routing
  • Web services with open standards
  • Open Data


Here it is where we will be able to know all the papers that attended our call and were selected for their quality and proposals. Every day we will have the following sessions:

Monday 31 August:

TICAL Parallel Session | Connectivity and infrastructure in the smart university:

  • Implementación de un Centro de Datos Alterno para recuperación de servicios de misión crítica. Caso de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia
  • Despliegue de Infraestructura como Servicio utilizando OpenStack: un caso de éxito en la Universidad de Cuenca
  • Implementación de tecnologías disruptivas en la educación superior. Caso de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia
  • Presentation of Cirrus-Identity

E-Science Parallel Session | High performance processing / storage:

  • Alianza latinoamericana para el desarrollo de capacidades en física avanzada
  • Impacto de la e-Infraestructura de RICAP para el desarrollo de la e-Ciencia en Iberoamérica

Parallel Session Enlighten Your Research Latin America-Europe - Lightning Talks

Tuesday, September 1:

TICAL Parallel Session | Fast and flexible developments to adapt to a changing environment:

  • Construyendo microservicios eficientes: Caso de estudio de la Universidad de Cuenca
  • Ventanilla única de servicios de TI de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
  • TELECOVID19 UDEC Plataforma gratuita de “Evaluación de riesgo Covid-19” desarrollada por la Unidad de Telemedicina de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile

e-Science Parallel Session | Data science / Machine learning models:

  • Potencial de una microalga del Lago Yahuarcocha en la zona norte del Ecuador
  • Proteção de Dados: Proposta de gerenciamento de dados de solo usando os princípios FAIR e a tecnologia blockchain

Wednesday, September 2:

TICAL Parallel Session | Transforming the student's learning experience:

  • Nuevos modelos de movilidad virtual apoyados en el uso de TIC: El Espacio de Movilidad Virtual en Educación Superior – eMOVIES
  • Plataforma Digital de Emprendimiento de Base Tecnológica (EBT) para los estudiantes de ingeniería: Caso UNICATÓLICA
  • Experiencias de inclusión digital en la Universidad de Guadalajara: elementos para la agenda de TIC de las universidades de América Latina

e-Science Parallel Session | Disruptive technologies at the University:

  • Tele-espacios activos, espacio para la creación e investigación telemática en las artes y el diseño
  • Plataformas de Internet de las Cosas Robóticas para la investigación y la docencia

Thursday, September 3:

TICAL Parallel Session | Green technologies and inclusive services:

  • Diseño de recursos para Aula Invertida en Programación
  • TET Cultural: Tetraedro en Realidad Aumentada para el aprendizaje de las artes plásticas
  • Implementación de las Fases 1 y 2 del modelo de gestión estratégica para el desarrollo de un Smart Campus basado en conceptos de Smart City en una universidad en Cartagena, Colombia


Before and after the plenary sessions, we will have videos running on the screen so that you learn about the importance of the BELLA Project, in the voice of its national leaders, the services and the RedCLARA webinars. Let's review the menu of the main sessions of our Conference for each day:

Monday August 31: Shared technology between Universities in Latin America and Europe - Cases With: Roberto Viola (General Director of DG CONNECT - European Commission, Belgium), Luis Eliécer Cadenas (RedCLARA Executive Director, Venezuela), Erik Huizer (CEO GÉANT, Netherlands) and Márcio Longhini (Client Engineer for Public Sector and Education at Google Cloud, Brazil).

Moderator: Carlos Casasús (General Director of the University Corporation for Internet Development - CUDI, Mexico).

Tuesday, September 1: Artificial Intelligence in the support of the intelligent university

With: Mateo Valero (Director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain), Jim Ghadbane (CEO CANARIE, Canada), Guilherme Travassos (Head of the Computer Science and Systems Engineering program COPPE / UFRJ, Brazil), Bill Barth (Director of Future Technologies, Center for Advanced Computing of Texas, USA) and Marcos Boaglio (AWS Senior Solutions Architect, Argentina). In addition, we will witness the signing of the agreement for the Latin American Telemedicine University Network, RUTE-AL.

Moderator: Luis Eliécer Cadenas (Executive Director RedCLARA, Venezuela).

Wednesday, September 2: Digital transformation of the intelligent university

With: Antonio García (Leader in Telecommunications, IDB, USA), Licia Florio (Senior Manager of Trust and Identity, GÉANT, Italy), Juan Pablo Carvallo (Executive Director CEDIA, Ecuador), Carlos Seaton (Universidad Simón Bolívar, International Consultant in Digital Innovation, Venezuela) and Óscar Robles Garay (LACNIC Executive Director, Uruguay).

Moderator: Ernesto Chinkes (TICAL Honorary President, Argentina).

Thursday, September 3: Challenges of the use and management of open data to promote science in the Intelligent University

With: Bianca Amaro (President of LAReferencia and Coordinator of the Brazilian Open Science Program, IBICT, Brazil), Cathrin Stöver (CCO GÉANT, Vice President of the EOSC Executive Board, Germany), María Esther Vidal (Head of the Scientific Data Management Research Group TIB, Venezuela ), Kathleen Shearer (COAR CEO, Canada) and Marcelo Volpi (Southern Cone Regional Director - CALA Enterprise - CommScope). The words at the closing of the Conference will be given by the Executive Director of RedCLARA, Luis Eliécer Cadenas.

Moderator: Luis Núñez (Physicist, Industrial University of Santander, Colombia).

Now you have all the information you need to live this TICAL2020 and 4th Latin American e-Science Meeting in the best way.

See you online on Monday 31st!

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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