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With free registration, TICAL2020 and the 4th e-Science Meeting announced their programme, speakers and new online platform

The format may change, but the essence wont. With this principle in mind, the TICAL Conference and the 4th Latin American e-Science Meeting announced during Monday, August 10, the programme, the group of key speakers and the platform that will host the events, which will take place in a virtual fashion and free of charge between August 31st and September 3rd.

The alteration of the format was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The events would be held face-to-face in Cuenca, Ecuador, but now they will be held on a platform developed by Bedu.Tech and Google, in alliance with RedCLARA, especially for the four-day meeting. In a safe and stable way, the tool will make it possible to carry out plenary and parallel sessions, as well as virtual stands where the sponsors of the 10th edition of TICAL and 4th of the e-Science Meeting, will present their developments to the community of directors and ICT academics in Latin America and academic networks in the region, Europe and North America.

The Organizing and Programme Committees also published the programme and the panelists who will share their knowledge with the public of the Conference. On each day of it a different topic will be discussed aiming to help to build “The digital route of an smart university”.

On the first day of activities, Monday, August 31, Erik Huizer and Luis Eliécer Cadenas, CEOs of GEÁNT and RedCLARA, respectively, will be the key speakers of the plenary “Shared technology between Universities in Latin America and Europe”. The theme of the second day of discussions will be the role of Artificial Intelligence in supporting the intelligent university, which will be analyzed through a panel composed by Mateo Valero, Director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Jim Ghadbane, CEO of CANARIE, Guilherme Travassos, Head of the Computer and Systems Engineering Program at COPPE / UFRJ, and Bill Barth, Director of Future Technologies at the Texas Center for Advanced Computing.

The urgency of the "Digital transformation of the intelligent university" will be the theme of the third day of the event, which will feature the participation of the expert and consultant in Digital Innovation Carlos Seaton Moore, Antonio Garcia Zaballos (Leading specialist in telecommunications for development management - Inter-American Development Bank), Licia Fiorio (Senior Manager of Trust and Identity of GEÁNT) and Juan Pablo Carvallo (Executive Director of CEDIA). Finally, on the fourth and last day of the Conference, a plenary session composed only by women will discuss the "Challenges of the use and management of open data to promote science in the Intelligent University". The invited key speakers are Bianca Amaro, President of LA Referencia and Coordinator of the Brazilian Open Science Program, Cathrin Stöver, GEÁNT Communications Manager, Kathleen Shearer, CEO of the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), and María Esther Vidal, Head of the Scientific Data Management Research Group at the Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology University Library.

The plenaries will be held every day from 2pm GMT*, followed by virtual stands, workshops of the sponsors and parallel sessions, where the papers chosen within the calls will be featured by the authors. In this edition, the papers will be rated by the Conference audience during the days of the event, and the five best evaluated will receive tickets, stays and registration to participate in the Internet2 Summit in 2021.

Participation in all TICAL and e-Science sessions is free, but requires registration, which can be done at People who have registered before this date, keep their registration and will receive an email with their access codes for the Conference. For more details on the event program and its key speakers, please visit

The TICAL2020 Conference and the 4th Latin American Meeting of e-Science are organized by RedCLARA and the BELLA Project, with the support of the national research and education networks of Latin America and the sponsorship of Google, Bedu.Tech, Amazon Web Services, CloudHesive Latam and Commscope.

* UPDATE: The start time of the plenary sessions is at 2pm GMT and not at 11am GMT, as previously reported.

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