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October 19: The International Computer Security Day will be broadcasted online

DISI 17“Ransomware: do not be a victim of virtual kidnapping” will be the central subject of DISI 2017 - the International Computer Security Day - that will be held at the National Confederation of Workers in Commerce (CNTC), in Brasilia (DF). Follow the online trasmission from 11;00 GMT and on!


At each edition of the event, topics are addressed that relate to a specific theme of large interest to computer end users, aiming at promoting good information security practices. The presentations are given by renowned security specialists, and the event is free of charge and open to the public and will be transmitted in real time in three languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English. Afterwards, the videos will be recorded and made available on the website.

This year the theme will be “Ransomware: do not be a victim of virtual kidnapping”. The schedule will have lectures on cryptography; antimalware industry; corporate data protection; ransomware attacks in Internet of Things (IoT) and future trends, among other issues.

Luis Eliécer Cadenas, Executive Director of RedCLARA will participate in the opening session along with Liliana Solha, RNP Security Manager, José Luiz Ribeiro Filho, Services and Solutions Director of RNP, Belisario Contreras, Manager of the Cybersecurity Program of the OAS, and SE Rick Savone, ambassador of Canada in Brazil.

Follow the online transmission:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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