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RESOURCES: Recordings of the "Technological Innovation in education in times of crisis" Webinar are now available online

Aiming to offer resources for the educational community to face the challenges of the virtualization process accelerated by the pandemic, the national research and education networks (NRENs) of Mexico (CUDI), Ecuador (CEDIA) and Colombia (RENATA), in alliance with RedCLARA, make available to the public the recordings of the "COVID-19: Technological Innovation in education in times of crisis" Webinar, which took place in two sessions, on April 22 and 24, 2020.

Both sessions were attended by invited experts who presented some experiences in the region and answered questions from the participants.

The speakers and their presentations were:

Session I - April 22

  • Dr. Pedro Rocha (RedLATE Community in CUDI, Mexico) - “Creatividad Terno-pedagógica a profesores para mantener la continuidad académica en la actual contingencia.”
  • Dr. Faraón Llorens Largo, (University of Alicante, Spain) - “Arreglar el avión en pleno vuelo: cómo adaptar de emergencia la universidad a no presencial.”

Access the video of the session at

Session II - April 24

  • Dr. Jorge Maldonado Mahauad (University of Cuenca, Ecuador) -  “¿Cómo integrar la tecnología dentro y fuera del aula de clase? Oportunidades y desafíos en el siglo XXI.”
  • Dr. Marina Vicario (Coordinator of the Educational Technology Group at ANUIES TIC) - “Principales avances y nuevos desafíos en el ecosistema de industria de la tecnología educativa ante la crisis sanitaria."

Access the video of the session at

Useful links

Download the presentations at

To review these and other RedCLARA recordings, please visit https: // and take the opportunity to sign up for the channel.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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