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FRIDA announces call to finance projects on stability, security and Internet access

FRIDA, LACNIC's Fund for the Strengthening of the Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean, announces its 2020 call to finance innovative projects that promote the stability, security and openness of the network in the region.

(Source: FRIDA) The application process will be open until May 22nd and prizes of US$ 10,000 will be awarded, plus a full scholarship for LACNIC34 and grants in amounts between US$ 10,000 and US$ 40,000. A total of US$ 170,000 in financing is expected.

Three themes will be financed:

Stability and Security. Initiatives that promote the stability and security of the network will be supported to strengthen user confidence. This category will be based on four fundamental axes: cybersecurity, resilience, interconnection and innovation in network operation.

Open and Free Internet. Initiatives to protect the free and open nature of the Internet and defend the digital rights of vulnerable populations in Latin America and the Caribbean will be financed. Projects on online freedom of expression, privacy and data protection and digital rights and diversity will be selected.

Internet access. Innovative projects will be selected to increase Internet access for underserved populations in Latin America and the Caribbean. Four themes will be financed: alternative models of access, interconnection, technologies for connectivity and energy for connectivity.

FRIDA is a LACNIC program, created in 2004, that supports initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean that contribute to the consolidation of a global, open, stable and secure Internet.

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Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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