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ANNOUNCEMENT: TICAL2020 and 4th Latin American e-Science Meeting will be held virtually

Dear Latin American Research and Education Community, given the uncertain scenario imposed on us by the Coronavirus pandemic, and with the objective of protecting our entire community, considering that the pandemic could be extended until the third trimester of this year, RedCLARA, its members and the Organizing and Programme Committees of TICAL2020 made the decision to hold the tenth edition of the conference in virtual format (keeping the date: August 31 to September 2).

Taking the programme for the 2020 edition of the Conference from a face-to-face format to a completely digital version will help us to encourage regional participation and continue with the work that we do every year with the Latin American Information and Communications Technology Directors community.

This change will also make it possible for the calls for papers for TICAL and the Latin American e-Science Meeting to remain open and for us to continue advancing, together with our partners and collaborators, in the development of a programme that will include plenary sessions, parallel sessions, meetings and workshops, as done in the past nine years.

For online participants and authors whose works are selected for presentation, digital certificates will be delivered. The authors will also receive support to carry out the remote presentation of the work in the best possible way.

Given the urgency with which the decision had to be taken, we do not yet have details on which platform will be used to hold the sessions and meetings. We are advancing in the negotiations to define the best tools and the announcements will be made in a timely manner.

We hope to count on your support in this endeavor, which certainly gives us the opportunity to take advantage of the collaboration resources available in national and regional networks, and to carry out our mission of strengthening the development of science, education, culture and innovation in Latin America through the innovative use of advanced networks.

We emphasize that, to participate in the Conference, it is still necessary to register, but registration will no longer have costs.

For questions or comments, write to us at

Greetings from the entire Organizing Team and the TICAL2020 Program Committee / 4th Latin American e-Science Meeting.

For more information about the event, please visit

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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