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Former President of RedCLARA's Board of Directors receives tribute for his contribution to the development of research and education

The University Corporation for Internet Development (CUDI Mexico) and its director Carlos Casasús, who also served as president of the RedCLARA Board of Directors until the beginning of 2020, were honored with the "CENIC Innovations in Networking Awards" for their contributions to the development of research and education in Mexico and in the world. The recognition was announced on March 11.

CENIC is a non-profit organization that operates the California Research and Education Network (CalREN), the local advanced network of California, in the USA, and delivers the prize to people, projects and organizations that make good use of large networks bandwidth.

According to the award statement, the collaboration between CENIC and CUDI has existed for many years, but the work has been deepened and expanded under the leadership of Casasús. “CENIC and CUDI continue to increase network interconnections and take advantage of each other's strengths to advance connectivity and services that foster international collaboration. CENIC and CUDI have provided an important model for the multinational partnership, supporting the design and security of high-quality networks, enabling important research on data-intensive and data-intensive scientific challenges, and bringing high-speed broadband to all”, says the note.

The statement also highlights the central role played by Casasús in the advancement of network associations in the western hemisphere and its work with RedCLARA's Board of Directors. “Under his leadership, CUDI has partnered with CENIC on major infrastructure projects such as Americas Lightpaths (AmLight), funded by the National Science Foundation. Through RedCLARA, in addition, there is production connectivity to national research and education networks that significantly enhance global e-Science collaborations”.

To read the full article regarding the award received by Casasús and the Mexican NREN, please visit

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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