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November 15 & 16, 2017, InfoDays, be part of them!: Science of Excellence in the CELAC countries

Flyer science of excellenceCelebrating the Anniversary of two flagship European Mobility Programs -20th Anniversary of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and10th Anniversary of the European Research Council (ERC)- the InfoDauys will showcase not only the involvement of CELAC countries but also potential training and capacity building opportunities for  researchers. Moreover, the creation of transnational collaboration networks will be promoted.  Different networks, projects and initiatives from the CELAC Region have come together for this event, for the sake of mutual promotion and kick-start new bi-regional mobility cooperation actions. These InfoDays will be on-line streamed by RedCLARA to the region.


The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) were established in 1996 under the 4th Framework Programme, providing scholarships to train outstanding researchers at all stages of their careers, whether PhD candidates or highly experienced researchers, while encouraging transnational, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The Programme is named after the double winner of the Nobel Prize Marie Skłodowska-Curie to honour and spread the values she defended. To date, 100,000 researchers have benefited from the Program, including five Nobel Prize winners and an Oscar winner. Since the beginning of Horizon 2020, CELAC has participated with 111 funded projects involving 125 different organizations and 706 individuals from different CELAC countries. Argentina is the first participating country with 62 institutions involved in 45 projects, 211 researchers and 128 researchers in Argentine organizations. (statistics until October 2017).

The European Research Council (ERC) was set up in 2007 and, since then, it has been a benchmark for research on the frontier of knowledge, by funding excellent basic research in Europe through competitive funding, supporting the best researchers from all fields and of any nationality. It has funded nearly 7,000 researchers and therefore also supports more than 40,000 team members. Its support has been recognized in nearly 100,000 articles published in international scientific journals. In the CELAC Region, 36 researchers have been granted with ERC.

The event will have specific promotional activities in the format of an Info Day that will feature webstreaming via RedCLARA across the region through the following link:

More information and agenda, HERE.

Joint organization: CELAC NCP Network (ALCUE NET project); Liaison Office ARG-EU (Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation); European Commission; RedCLARA; Net4Mobility project.

Public: researchers, students, teachers, universities, entrepreneurs, fellow alumni, representatives from higher education and research centres; Government officials.

flyer science of excellence4 Streaming


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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