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Institute of Chile and REUNA signed a collaboration agreement to promote the development of science, humanities and arts

The Institute of Chile and the chilean NREN, REUNA, during January 16th signed a Memorandum of Understanding that aims to enhance the collaboration between the two institutions. The organizations were represented by Adriana Valdés, President of the Institute of Chile, and Paola Arellano, Executive Director of REUNA.

Among other actions, the agreement forecasts the organization and joint holding of lectures, workshops and other dissemination activities on topics that are important to both institutions. For this, the Institute will be responsible for the contents and for promoting the articulation of the activities. REUNA, in turn, will enable the participation and access of its associated institutions, from Arica to Puerto Montt, as well as of the communities connected to the academic networks in Latin America, through its technological platforms.

Both institutions, furthermore, undertook to disseminate, among their members, the public activities of national interest organized through the use of the REUNA digital platform.

Adriana Valdés stressed the importance of the agreement. “This alliance makes possible to open the activities and reflection of the six academies of the Institute to a wider university audience throughout the national territory and abroad; it greatly facilitates the relationship between the academies and their corresponding members in all regions of the country and abroad; and encourages initiatives that are increasingly closer to the knowledge and communication society. The Institute will have a formidable way to expose its thinking and share it with society”, she said.

REUNA’s Executive Director, Paola Arellano indicated that for the Chilean Network it is a great honor to have the Institute as a part of it through this alliance. "We are convinced that this relationship will enhance the mission of the Institute, REUNA and the Latin American networks."

The Memorandum signing ceremony was also attended by RedCLARA Executive Director Luis Eliécer Cadenas, who stressed the importance of networking and how the agreement between the organizations will broaden the scope of its activities throughout Latin America and the world, thanks to the regional collaboration established by the thirteen academic networks connected to RedCLARA.

Institute of Chile

The Institute of Chile was established in 1964 and brings together the Chilean Academy of Languages, the Chilean Academy of History, the Chilean Academy of Sciences, the Chilean Academy of Social, Political and Moral Sciences, the Chilean Academy of Medicine and the Chilean Academy of Fine Arts. Its aim is to promote, at a higher level, the cultivation, progress and dissemination of letters, sciences and fine arts. To this end, it develops activities of cultural, scientific or artistic nature, such as seminars and forums, editing publications, calling for competitions and granting scholarships.

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The National University Network is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to be the main digital platform for Chilean science, culture and higher education entities, to promote national and global communication, articulation and collaboration through advanced and innovative services. Today, REUNA is made up of 37 institutions, including universities, astronomical observatories and research centers. Internationally, REUNA is a founding partner of RedCLARA and is interconnected with academic networks in Europe, North America, Australia and Asia.

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Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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