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Looking for HPC resources for your project? RICAP launches 5th call for access to supercomputing resources

The Ibero-American High Performance Computing Network (RICAP) announced the launch of its fifth call for access to HPC supercomputing resources. The call was created so that research groups that can hardly use supercomputing clusters to carry out their projects, can also have this type of infrastructure.

Applications must be submitted by email to with the subject: "Application for the fifth call for RICAP HPC resources”, until February 29, which is the deadline for submitting proposals. The list of selected groups will be announced on March 31, and the planned period for the use of resources is from April 1 to May 31, 2020.

In accordance to RICAP standards, applications must be submitted by the main investigator of the interested research group. Institutions or projects as such, therefore, cannot apply (although the applicant researcher can say that the proposed work is part of any project).

The RICAP cloud infrastructure is composed of several federated nodes that offer 24x7 computing capabilities and whose main objective is to provide complementary and continuous resources to the supercomputing infrastructure for R&D work.

For more information about the call and resources made available by RICAP, please visit:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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