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In April: Conference of EUNIS2020 will gather rectors from around the world to discuss the trends of digital transformation

ICT and Higher Education Institutions leaders from all over the world will be meeting on April 22, in Malaga, Spain, on the occasion of the EUNIS 2020 Rectors' Conference, meeting that will discuss the topic “Leading the success of digital transformation”.

The event, which has the support of RedCLARA, will be held at the University of Malaga and will be attended by international experts such as Francisco Marmolejo (Coordinator of the Network of Experts in Higher Education of the World Bank), Susan Grajek (EDUCAUSE) and Iain Martin (President of Deakin University).

This is the seventh edition of a series of the Conference of Rectors of EUNIS (European University Information Systems, or Information Systems of the European Universities) that began in 2003 in Paris, followed by a second event also in Paris and three subsequent conferences in Prague (2012), Helsinki and Espoo (2014), Krakow (2016) and Porto (2018). For this version, four sessions are prepared to inform the attendees of the fundamentals of digital transformation; make them understand the importance of the Rector's leadership; show them the challenges a Rector faces when undertaking the digital transformation of his university; and establish what is the way forward to achieve success, what happens when reviewing and discarding those paths that involve failures in the attempt.

For those interested, the Organizing Commission has decided to offer a reduced price for groups. In such a way that if a group of at least 10 people who wish to register (preferably half must be rectors) is formed, the registration cost of each one is reduced to € 350.

For more information on the EUNIS 2020 Conference, please visit:


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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