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Virtual Cycle will discuss the Management of Scientific Data in Latin America


What are the most common practices for the management and preservation of scientific data? And the barriers and incentives to share them? How are the practices for data management in Latin American countries? These and other questions will be discussed and answered in the Virtual Cycle on Management of Scientific Data, organized by RedCLARA, which will take place on four different dates between the end of November and the beginning of December.

The cycle will be divided by thematic axes. On November 28, the first session will discuss the Management of Scientific Data in the area of ​​Biodiversity. On 30/11 the session will address eHealth. In December, more specifically on 05/12, the session on High Energy Physics will be held. The fourth and last session occurs on 12/12 with an Integrated session. All sessions will take place between 15 and 17h GMT.

The objective of the Cycle is to offer a space for discussion and challenges for researchers / academics who must address the issue of management and data management they generate with their research and development work. For more information and registration, visit: For questions or queries, write to


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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