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TICAL and eCiencia announce new international speaker: Bruce Howe

While the authors await the results of the calls, scheduled for July 8, the preparations for TICAL2019 and the 3rd eScience Meeting continue, and now with the confirmed presence of a new international speaker. It's Bruce Howe, research professor at the University of Hawaii.

Howe is world-renowned for his work with the international task force known as the "SMART Cable Initiative" (Science Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunication), which incorporates sensors into commercial transoceanic submarine telecommunications cable systems - enabling Internet as we know - for the weather, ocean circulation, sea level monitoring and tsunami and earthquake warning. At the ALOHA station, 100 km north of Oahu, Bruce and his team installed and operated the ALOHA Cabled Observatory, the deepest Internet node on the planet, at 4728 m of water depth.

In addition to Howe, Jim Ghadbane, CEO and President of the Canadian NREN, CANARIE, and Klaas Wierenga, idealizer of eduroam, are also confirmed as speaker in TICAL and eCiencia. 

Early registration is still open

The general registrations for the events are still open and have discounted rates for those who register until August 2. TICAL2019 and the 3rd Latin American Meeting of e-Science will take place between September 2 and 4, at the Cancun International Convention Center (CancúnICC), in Cancun, Mexico.

For more information, please visit:



Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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