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UNAM Magazine summons experts to share their experiences in Artificial Intelligence and Infrastructure

Aiming to share the experience and knowledge of specialists, teachers, students and researchers, the Journal of Technology and Innovation in Higher Education of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (TIES, invites the communities of the institutions of research and higher education in Mexico and Latin America to submit articles for its numbers 02 and 03. The calls close on August 30 and September 23, respectively.

For number 02, the Editorial Committee of TIES has defined Artificial Intelligence as the thematic axis, with emphasis on areas such as Education, Information Security, Health Care and Transformation of university processes. Version number 03, in turn, will address the topic Infrastructure, with emphasis on Unified Infrastructure, Data Network Management, Data Centers and Technology in Education

TIES magazine uses the journal management and publication system Open Journal Systems, OJS, to carry out the editorial process with a strict content review. On this site the author must create an account and upload the article that is proposed for publication.

For more information about the call, the accepted formats, the extension of the articles and the publication norms, please visit



Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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