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Call for papers deadline of TICAL2019 and the 3rd Latin American e-Science Meeting is extended until May 28

May 28, at 24:00 GMT. These are the new date and time for submitting papers for the TICAL2019 Conference and the 3rd Latin American e-Science Meeting. The extension of the deadline (originally May 20), will enable more researchers and academics to send their proposals and participate in the event, which will take place between September 2 and 4, 2019, at the Cancún International Convention Center (CancunICC), in Cancún, Mexico. Registrations are already open, with discounts for those who register until August 9.

The TICAL Conference and the Latin American e-Science Meeting will be held jointly for the third consecutive year and will share the same theme: “The Student Genome and the Digital University Metamorphosis”. However, the events have individual and distinct calls, given their different audiences, proposed thematic lines and, above all, their different approach to the digital transformation, the first from the Superior Education area and the second from the view of Science and Arts.

Those interested in applying to TICAL2019 should send their proposals to indicating in the subject line: Propuesta para la Convocatoria de Trabajos - TICAL2019. Those interested in applying to the 3rd Latin American Meeting of e-Science should send their proposals to indicating in the subject line: Propuesta para la Convocatoria de Trabajos - 3º Encuentro Latinoamericano de e-Ciencia. Remember that the works must be submitted in strict compliance with the format established in the Guide of Authors of both events.

Regarding the benefits for the selected papers, both TICAL and the e-Science Meeting will cover the costs of registration at the Conferences and lodging for four nights at the Kristal Hotel (from September 1 to 4), in Cancun, for the author (one person) who will present the work in the parallel sessions.

Important dates:

  • March 18, 2019: Opening of the Calls
  • May 28, 2019: Closing of the Calls
  • July 8, 2019: Notification of the selected authors
  • 02-04 September, 2019: TICAL2019 and 3rd Latin American e-Science Meeting

For more information, please visit

Watch the video of the Virtual Day held on May 13, 2019, where members of the Conference Program Committee answered questions about the priority aspects in the evaluation of papers:



Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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