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Eduroam's father and president of the Canadian NREN will be in TICAL2019 and the 3rd e-Sciente Meeting

The TICAL2019 Conference and the 3rd Latin American e-Science Meeting announced this Monday, April 29, the first two international speaker who will share their experiences with the Latin American ICT community. They are the Dutch Klaas Wierenga, Chief Community Support Officer at GÉANT​, and the Canadian Jim Ghadbane, President and CEO of the Canadian academic network CANARIE.

Ghadbane joined CANARIE as Director of Technology in May 2010 and is an experienced leader in the ICT industry. As President and CEO of the Canadian academic network, he is responsible for achieving the CANARIE objectives, as indicated by the network agreement with the Government of Canada; This includes the provision of an internationally competitive high-speed network for the country's research, innovation and education communities, the development and implementation of next generation technologies, and helps Canadian companies and higher education institutions to innovation and marketing efforts.

Wierenga, in turn, is the father of eduroam (academic wireless roaming service, now extended worldwide). He has extensive experience in innovation management, with emphasis on identity, mobility and security. He supervises the Trust and Identity activities of GÉANT and the Communities Program. He also manages the Trust and Identity, Relations with the Partners and Research Commitment teams.

The complete profiles of the two speakers are now available on TICAL website. The ninth edition of the Conference will be held in conjunction with the third edition of the Latin American e-Science Meeting, from September 2 to 4, in Cancún, Mexico.

For more information, calls and registration, please visit





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Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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