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Join the Webinar "Artificial intelligence applied to higher education", offered by MetaRED


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is causing a revolution in education, creating new learning tools that offer more intuitive and even flexible educational methods. Integrating this technology into the educational world means great benefits for student learning. And that is what will be seen at the webinar "How to apply Artificial Intelligence to education", carried out by MetaRED in alliance with RedCLARA.

The webinar will be held on March 14 and will have as speaker Andrés Pedreño Muñoz, Member of the Committee of Experts of the Government of Spain for the Development of the White Book on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Professor of Applied Economics, Co-founder of IT&IS and promoter of AlicanTEC.

MetaRed is a collaborative project that makes up a network of Information Technology (IT) managers at Iberoamerican Universities with the aim of sharing best practices, success stories and collaborative technological developments.

Registration is free of charge and will be open until March 13. For more information, access and registration data, please visit


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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