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In the framework of BELLA: New circuits improve Ipê network availability in North and Southeast regions of Brazil

The capacity of the Brazilian academic network, the Ipê network, does not stop growing and the activation of new circuits in May brought more availability to the network in the North and Southeast regions of the country. The first was the link connecting Manaus (AM) to the Federal District, which received an upgrade from 1 Gb/s to 3 Gb/s. The other case was the activation of a new 10 Gb/s circuit between the Federal District and São Paulo.

(Source: RNP) The first one, contracted with the company Embratel, promotes an improvement in connectivity in the North region, since Manaus is served with the same capacity that arrives in Belém (PA), Porto Velho (RO) and Rio Branco (AC). The second one aims to improve the availability of the Southeast Ring, especially in the current connection between Rio and São Paulo.

According to RNP's director of Engineering and Operations, Eduardo Grizendi, the expectation is to complete the service to Manaus with another circuit already contracted in the North region, between Manaus and Belém, and activation in the first half, also of 3 Gb/s. "The goal is to maintain a redundancy in the circuit between PoP-AM and PoP-DF, so that PoP-AM is not isolated in the event of a fall. The upgrade is necessary, also due to saturation of the current capacity of 1 Gb/s of this redundancy", he explains.

The new circuit between the DF and São Paulo, contracted with the BRDigital operator, aims to increase capacity in the Southeast from Brasília, while the circuits of the cooperation agreement with Furnas are not activated, as part of the network's technological evolution project Ipê, with technology of 100 Gb/s

Later this year, after the activations in the Northeast, Rio and São Paulo will be the first routes serviced at 100 Gb / s in the Southeast Ring, which includes nine states (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Mato Grosso , Federal District, Goiás, Paraná and Tocantins).

All these efforts are also parte of the BELLA-T project of the BELLA Programme, led by RedCLARA and GÉANT to achieve a long-term and significant improvement of the South American network, enabling RedCLARA to guarantee full and equal access by LA NRENs to the capacity to be procured on a direct Europe - Latin America submarine cable. This will be realised by upgrading RedCLARA's optical infrastructure in South America, which will allow the deployment of an optical network, generating synergies with the NRENs of the region, through increased capillarity and effectiveness.

For more information on RNP, please visit:

For more information on the BELLA-T project, visit:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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