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LA Referencia presented its new policies of scientific data at international event in Rio

LA Referencia participated on Tuesday, April 17, at the Latin American and Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop of World Data System (WDS) in Rio de Janeiro, which aimed to discuss the best practices of scientific data management developed by research institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean and identify ongoing initiatives, among other aspects.

On the occasion, Alberto Cabezas, Executive Secretary, participated in Panel 2 of the first day of discussion, called "Challenges for data management projects in Latin America & the Caribbean". The Secretary presented the article "Public goods for scientific data policies in Latin America", developed jointly with Bianca Amaro (IBICT), Paola Azrilevich (SNRD Argentina), Patricia Muñoz Palma (Conicyt Chile) and Silvia Nakano (Mincyt Argentina). The links of the documents and the presentation in PPT are available at the end of this page.

The presentation is a synthesis of the vision generated by LA Referencia’s Council at the beginning of the year. It addresses open science in general and the open scientific data for Latin America, describing the regional context, the priorities and the public policies that should guide the action. In addition, the document presents the internationalization progress in the context of Coar (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) and OpenAIRE, the Horizon2020 program platform for Open Science, concluding with a reflection on the alignment with the F.A.I.R. Principles. "The above represents an effort to set the priorities of public goods in the medium term and an approach to the challenge of scientific data, coherent to the trajectory of Open Access in the region, in areas such as technology, licenses, guidelines, among others. It is a common vision that aims to avoid the duplication of efforts and deepen a model of regional collaboration in this area", explains Cabezas.

The Latin American and Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop was convened by the World Data System (WDS), an interdisciplinary body of the International Council for Science (ICSU), responsible for creating an international network of data services to support international science, and by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. The workshop offered the opportunity to explore the data landscape in Latin America and the Caribbean, identifying initiatives in the area, its strengths and limitations, and new opportunities for collaboration. In addition, trends and future perspectives for the scientific data systems were analyzed, as well as the criteria and standards for the certification of data repositories. The Latin American and Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop had the support of ICSU-Rolac, of the Brazilian advanced network, RNP, and of the Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (Ibict), among others.

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