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Begins the first conference of Directors of Technology

For the first time, the Directors of Technology of the Latin American universities are gathered in one place to discuss about the most relevant elements of their work, common challenges and the future of ICT in higher education institutions. The Conference TICAL 2011 started today in Panama.

TICAL 2011 beginsWith the presence of authorities of the European Union, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Panamanian government and RedCLARA, today in Panama was inaugurate  a unique event: the First Regional Conference of Directors of Technology of higher education entities in Latin America, TICAL 2011.

For two days the conference will gather more than 70 directors and over 100 participants who will discuss the role of ICT in higher education, the proper management of these, the challenges that universities have in common and regional initiatives of collaboration that can be developed.

TICAL 2011, “ICT management in university spaces," is an initiative promoted by RedCLARA, with support from the European Commission and the IDB.

TICAL 2011 opening"As the representative of the European Union in Panama I see this activity with great interest and enthusiasm. Having participants from Latin America and Europe gathered to discuss the present and future of a binomial such as education and information technology and communications is an opportunity considered excellent and very valuable. The space that opens today is ideal for you to meet and share xperiences, concerns and interests. No doubt these activities appreciated by the European Union is for us an example of how effective and necessary is the joint cooperation, "said Jose Luis Martinez-Prada, charge d'affaires of the Delegation of the European Union to Costa Rica and Panama during the opening event, in Ciudad del Saber.

In addition to the European Commission member the beginning of the conference was attended by IDB representative in Panama, Galileo Solis; important Panamanian authorities, the Executive Director of RedCLARA, Florencio Utreras, the Director of Innovation and Development of RedCLARA, Carmen Gloria Labbé, and the Director of RedCyT, Maximo Escobar.

Opening TICAL 2011Utreras, referred to the advantages of RedCLARA and the project behind it, ALICE2, and as the initiative of technology directors network is part of an effort to support communities and researchers "ALICE2 represents a key opportunity and a key infrastructure for collaborative work and we invite you to work together and be a tool to generate more service and that each institution generate greater impact, "he said.

After the opening ceremony, the inaugural lecture was delivered by Dr. Juan Sanchez, vice president of research at the University of Texas at Austin, who spoke on the topic: "Advanced Computing: The third pillar of science".

Tical 2011 is an initiative of RedCLARA, entity that generates science and knowledge in the region by providing advanced Internet infrastructure and offering services for research and education communities of more than 700 universities. RedCLARA is funded by the ALICE2 project (Latin America Interconnected with Europe 2) of the European Community.

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