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European Commission meets with the ALFA III Project Teams

From 6 to 10 June 2011, RedCLARA team members Luis Furlan, Chairman of the Board, Luis Nunez, Manager of Academic Relations, and Carmen Gloria Labbé, Director of Innovation and Development along with representatives of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (REGULATEL), participated in meetings organized by the European Commission in Brussels.

ALFA IIIThe days of 6 to 8 was held the annual meeting of the ALFA projects, occasion on which Luis Furlan made a presentation about RedCLARA with the goal of present and recommend to the assistant ALFA projects, the services offered by RedCLARA.

During the sessions of the 9 and 10 of June, were held private meetings with the European Commission to monitor the ALIS2 project activities and addressed the General Directorates of the European Commission. As important points covered during the meeting can be included:
• The importance ascribed to the EC to the active participation of RedCLARA in events organized by the EC in Latin America, and in general to those associated with the new strategy of innovation in Europe.
• The completion of ALIS2 InfoDay for November 10th this year.
• The message that RedCLARA must offer in the visibility actions, in line with a clear, simple, aimed at the development and inclusion.

Con relación a la reunión con las Direcciones Generales, de acuerdo a la evaluación que hace Europaid, esta fue muy positiva para sensibilizar a dichas instancias del rol e importancia que tiene RedCLARA como infraestructura de soporte. Además, cabe destacar las grandes expectativas que se han generado en cuanto a los servicios que puede brindar RedCLARA a distintas iniciativas que lleva a cabo la Comisión Europea.

Regarding the meeting with the General Directors, according to the assessment made by Europaid, this was very positive to sensitize to the instances about the role and importance of RedCLARA as supporting infrastructure. Also, is important to mention the high expectations that were generated in the services that can be provided by RedCLARA to various initiatives undertaken by the European Commission.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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