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Florencio Utreras, Executive Director of RedCLARA, received LACNIC Outstanding Achievement Award 2011


This distinction is in recognition of his contribution to the permanent development of Internet and Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Premio LACNICThe Latin American and Caribbean Addresses Internet Registry, LACNIC, announced that after a careful analysis of all nominations, the Jury unanimously decided to present the third edition of the 2011 Outstanding Achievement Award to Florencio Utreras, Executive Director of RedCLARA.

This initiative distinguishes and highlights those who have made significant contributions to the development of Internet and the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In this edition, the jury was integrated by Carlos Afonso, Brazil, Outstanding Achievement Award 2010, Ida Holz, Uruguay, Outstanding Achievement Award 2009, José Soriano, Peru and Raimundo Beca, Chile. The award consisted in a representative object and U.S. $ 5,000.

The merits

Florencio Ignacio Utreras Díaz has a degree in Mathematics and Engineering from the University of Chile (1975) and a PhD in Engineering from the University of Grenoble, France, which he received in 1979. He was professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Chile in Santiago and visiting lecturer in various universities and research centers in Europe (Université Joseph Fourier, France; Universitá di Firenze, Italy) and the United States (Miami, UCLA).

Florencio has been involved in network research since 1987 and has received several awards for his contribution to the dissemination of Internet technology and research networks. He played a key role in the connection of Chile to global computer networks, leading the incorporation to Bitnet in 1987 and coordinating the FONDEF Project for strengthening the National University Network that allowed creating a 64-kbps link for REUNA members in 1992. In 1997 he promoted a strategic alliance between REUNA and CTC Mundo (currently Telefonica), which allowed creating REUNA2 – a broadband network from Arica to Osorno, at the time considered to be the largest in Latin America.

In 1992 he contributed to the creation of REUNA (the first Latin American and Caribbean academic network), was part of the first CLARA Board of Directors, and later competed for the position of Executive Director which he assumed in 2004 and from which he is making an invaluable contribution to the connection of all academic networks in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Among the positions and roles he has held in various organizations and institutions that promote Internet development, his participation in the organization of the INET 96 and INET 97 international seminars held in Montreal, Canada and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, respectively, are worth highlighting. In addition, Florencio has been President of the National Organizing Committee for the ICANN Meeting held in Santiago, Chile in August 1999, where the regional community presented the application for the creation of the new Regional Internet Registry, LACNIC.

Utreras has been related to the development of the Internet and academic networks in America for over 20 years. In the '90s as one of the pioneers of the region contributing not only to development of the networks but also to the creation of collaboration spaces as the Latin American Forum of Networks, and in recent years as one of the architects of the establishment and consolidation of RedCLARA.

This is a reward for his continued contribution and arduous work on behalf of the community.

For more information about LACNIC Outstanding Achievement Award 2011, visit:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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