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Regional Sessions on Advanced Computing

The e-science as a proposal to solve regional problems. Under the slogan "doing more with less", it is announce the "Cycle of Regional Sessions for a new science" to be held from October 27th to November 3rd, which seeks to encourage a reflection on the possible scenarios to consolidate a collaborative service of advanced computing in Latin America.

Sesiones regionalesThis cycle of activities, driven by a Transition Group from GISELA project to RedCLARA, has the support of the National Research and Education Networks of Colombia, RENATA, and Mexico, CUDI and will involve, through several videoconferences, regional authorities in science and technology, experts and researchers in different scientific areas strategic for its social impact and demand for large computing and storage capabilities of data (bioinformatics, health, telemedicine, environment, natural hazards and disasters, among others).

The program announced is:
Thursday, October 27th | Session with national academic networks from Latin America
Friday, October 28th | Session with experts
Tuesday, November 1st | Session with Directors of Technologies and Information from Latin America
Thursday, November 3rd | Session with the communities for the management and research of risk prevention and seismic issues.

Advanced computing services are the support of a science mediated by distributed computing resources that enhance the capabilities of computing and data storage, without the need of local heavy investment in equipment. Currently under different forms, distributed computing offers significant opportunities for scientific areas that seek to advances in the prevention and cure of diseases, control of environmental data, prevention of natural disasters, telemedicine and preserving strategic data. Collaborative work between the countries of the region could strengthen this new way of doing science, opening a path of possibilities in the field.

It is important to mention that for four years, thanks to the support of the European Commission, in Latin America was generated an e-infrastructure supported in Grid technology (EELA and EELA2 Projects). During this period, were developed and adapted applications to the infrastructure available with experimental experiences in training to researchers and technicians, mostly from Latin America. At this point the GISELA project (Grid Initiatives for e-Science virtual communities in Europe and Latin America) aims to transfer to the region the e-science model based on this experience. RedCLARA has become an important bridge and currently performs the identification of the needs and possibilities in Latin America to define a comprehensive service in Advanced Computing, which would include the Grid, context in which these regional sessions, are started.

The details of each of the activities may be followed at:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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