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New Board of Directors of RedCLARA


On November10th, in the context of the second annual ALICE2-RedCLARA meeting held in Montevideo, Uruguay, the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (RedCLARA) renewed its Board of Directors, the maximum organism in charge of the direction of the institution that will currently be integrated by:

Consejo Directivo• President: Ida Holz, Executive Director of the Uruguayan Academic Network (RAU).

• Vice-President: Álvaro de la Ossa Osegueda, Executive Director of the National Research and Education Network from Costa Rica, RedCONARE.

• Treasurer: Carlos Casasús López Hermosa, Executive Director of the University Corporation for the Development of Internet (CUDI) from Mexico.

• Secretary: José Palacios, Board President of the National University Network (REUNA) from Chile.

• Counselor: Nelson Simões, Executive Director of the National Research and Education Network from Brazil (RNP).

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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