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The Project IDB-BPR Institutional Repositories calls for proposals for Consulting for the Management of the Project and Federated Network Website


Download here the terms of reference.


The Project IDB-BPR Institutional Repositories of Scientific Documentation aims to contribute to the sharing and giving visibility to the scientific production of the higher education institutions and scientific research.

Currently it needs to hire a consultant to administer, manage and update the project and Federated Network Web site, according to the needs identified by the partners.

Download the Terms of Reference
Download the consultant’s assessment procedures
Deadline for proposals submission: March 21, 2012

If required clarification previous to proposal submission it will be received by email ( until March 13, 2012 and responses will be send no later than March 16, 2012.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects