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RedCLARA aims to encourage the internationalisation of innovation, science and technology at the Conference of the Americas on International Education


The second edition of CAIE, to be held from 25 to 28 April 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, will be attended by members of the institution’s Directing Council and the directors of the Latin American National Research and Education Networks (NREN) connected to RedCLARA. Workshops, presentations and plenary session will be part of the comprehensive programme that will shape the three-day event and in which Latin America’s Advanced Network will take up some space in order to move forward in innovation and the development of e-Science.


CAEI 2012

“Internationalisation: Essential component of the quality of Education in the 21st Century. Higher Education and Inter-American Dialogues” is the main topic of the second edition of the Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAIE), to be held from 25 to 28 of April 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Florencio Utreras, Executive Director of RedCLARA, will be part of the Plenary Interview "Internationalization of Innovation in Science and Technology", on Thursday 25, same day in which the directors of RedCLARA’s Latin American member NRENs and the advanced network’s leaders in the region, will take part in the workshop called “The internationalisation of Innovation, Science and Technology”, and during the parallel session on e-Science-related topics, Luiz Messina will talk about the Project on Telehealth Public Policies in Latin America.

CAIE Brazil 2012 is jointly organized by the lnter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOHE), the Board of Brazilian University Rectors (CRUB), the Association of Brazilian Higher Education Institutions’ Offices for International Relations (FAUBAI) and the Federal University of Fluminense, Brazil (UFF) and the Mexican Association for International Education (AMPEI); in partnership with the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) and the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC), two organizations which, together with the IOHE, are the founding partners of this initiative.

Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada (DFAIT) is supporting IOHE in its role as the secretariat of the 2nd CAIE edition. Great support is also given by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) and the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE), among other organizations and associations.


“RedCLARA’s participation at the Conference co-organised by the IOHE and these relevant organizations and associations takes place as part of the cooperation agreement that signed by IOHE and RedCLARA. Within this context, the main focus of work shared by both entities is innovation, under the understanding that this is a key aspect which the university must address as an institution which generates new knowledge through research. Nowadays, research and innovation, as well as all of the university’s areas of work, are opening up to new scenarios where internationalisation is a sine qua non condition. Here is where the participation of RedCLARA and IOHE is of essential importance to introduce and open up opportunities to reflect on research and innovation supported on the one hand by a technological infrastructure which enables participation in the global research community –RedCLARA-, and on the other by IOHE, reaching the different departments of the university in order to favour policies, instruments and conditions for this to take place”, points out Carmen Gloria Labbé, RedCLARA’s Innovation and Development Manager.

CAIE is an event of major relevance for professionals who plan and develop academic cooperation activities. This includes vice-chancellors, deputy vice-chancellors and adjunct deputy vice-chancellors in charge of international relations, directors of international education, foreign links managers, foreign student advisors, directors of exchange and teachers engaged in collaboration activities which could be related to Higher Education Institutions, universities, national or regional organisations and ministries of education. RedCLARA expects to engage the participation of these renowned actors in the parallel sessions it will conduct and in which it will participate, in order to explore together with them the roads that lead the development of Latin America’s innovation, science and research.

To get details of the programme visit:

About CAIE

The Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAIE) has the aim of favouring an inter American exchange space for the leaders of Higher Education Institutions to discuss priority issues of university internationalisation and its contribution to university quality. Furthermore, it provides a dynamic forum for all the groups involved in the Internationalisation of Higher Education to explore the benefits of collaboration and represents a fundamental element for the permanent development of academic cooperation in the hemisphere.

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Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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