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Attention LA researchers and academics: All invited to participate in the e-Infrastructure Day Virtual


The event, organized by RedCLARA in collaboration with the academic networks of Mexico (CUDI), Costa Rica (RedCONARE), Colombia (RENATA) and the GISELA Project will take place on May 8th from 18:00 to 20:00 GMT.

Virtual DayDuring the activity it will possible to know about successful experiences of using e-Infrastructure applied to research projects in several disciplinary areas of high impact in Latin America.

In addition to thr participation by videoconference the Virtual Day will be transmitted  live and direct via the Internet at the following link:




18.00 hrs GMT | Welcome and connection settings
Luis Nunez (Manager of Academic Relations)

18.10 hrs GMT | Grid Experiences in Latin America - Download the presentation -
Herbert Hoeger (Universidad de Los Andes, ULA, Venezuela)

18.25 hrs GMT | Organization of online chemical information to optimize resources - Download the presentation -
Julien Wist (Universidad del Valle, UniValle, Colombia)

18.40 hrs GMT | Science Center in Data: Applications in Atomic and Molecular Physics - Download the presentation -
Claudio Mendoza (Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, IVIC, Venezuela)

19.00 hrs GMT | e- Infrastructure for Climatology Grid - Download the presentation -
Philippe Navaux (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS, Brazil)

19.15 hrs GMT | Intelligence as a support to the e-Infrastructure - Download the presentation -
Alvaro de la Ossa (National Center for High Technology, CENAT, Costa Rica)

19.30 hrs GMT | Questions and Comments from attendees at room and streaming


- Wednesday May 2nd, 2012 | Last day for registration in the Event Manager

- Friday May 4th, 2012 | First test session (between 18.00 and 20.00 hours GMT)
(open only to those properly registered in the Event Manager)

- Monday May 7th, 2012 | Second test session (between 18.00 and 20.00 hours GMT)
(open only to those properly registered in the Event Manager)

- Tuesday May 8th, 2012 | First e-Infrastructure Virtual Day (between 18.00 and 20.00 hours GMT)
(open only to those properly registered in the Event Manager)

All information on the event and registration is available at the following link:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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