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Attention Directors and Technical Representatives of the NREN: Call to participate in the Survey of Service Quality and Technical Sugestions


In order to evaluate the comments and suggestions on the quality of network services, Directors and Technical Representatives of the National Research and Education Network connected to RedCLARA are invited to participate in the Survey of Service Quality and Technical Sugestions.

Encuesta de Calidad de Servicio y Sugerencias TécnicasThe online questionnaire, available until Friday May 25 2012, through 17 questions will evaluate the overall quality of network services, network topology, technology and equipment used and NOC services. The estimated time to respond to the survey is 10 minutes.

This initiative is a resulte to the suggestions made by the NREN’s technical members  during the last CLARA-TEC last held in November 2011 in the city of Montevideo (Uruguay).

Access the survey HERE

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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