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RedCLARA enable IPv6 on its portal


En el marco del Día Mundial de IPv6, realizado el 6 de junio, RedCLARA habilitó en su sitio de forma definitiva la versión 6 del Protocolo de Internet.

RedCLARAIn the context of the IPv6 World Day, held on June 6th, RedCLARA enabled permanently on its website the Internet Protocol version 6.

From now on the portal users will access through IPv6 to the virtual applications including community services and e-mail.

One the great advantages of IPv6 isthe ability to offer unlimited addresses and to quickly adapt to the overall growth of the Internet and mobile infrastructure enhances computer security because it allows information encryption and authentication of the sender. It also expands the possibilities for the development of multimedia and digital content because it allows the use of larger data packs, for a better support for real-time traffic.

The new protocol also includes mechanisms for more efficient and robust mobility for the benefit not only of the phone users and mobile devices, but also, for example, for Internet connectivity during commercial flights.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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