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June 10th: RedCLARA’s birthday


Six years ago, as a result of ALICE project, the representatives of 13 Latin American countries signed the Constitutive Act, which officially signed the founding of the Latin American Advanced Networking Corporation, a non for profit organization dedicated to scientific development through advanced telecommunications networking for research, innovation and education.

RedCLARASince its creation in 2004, RedCLARA has been crucial for research and education in Latin America, offering collaboration environments to the scientific community at regional, international and global levels, by means of its connections to GÉANT and Internet2 (USA) and through them with advanced networks in the rest of the world. Actually RedCLARA strengthens and enhances the academic and scientific work of over fifty regional research communities of nearly 800 universities and research centres from 13 Latin American countries. On April, projects ranging from radioastronomy to the recovery of pre-Hispanic musical heritage saw increases in their opportunities for collaboration with Europe through the establishment of a link that increases the capacity of the connection of RedCLARA with the pan European network GÉANT to 2.5 Gbps, that is four times the capacity that the link had at the beginning of the project.

Thus, within the context of the ALICE2 project (Latin America Interconnected with Europe, version 2), the regional advanced network, RedCLARA, has given a further boost to the development of science, research and innovation in Latin America and strengthened collaboration with Europe.

Happy 9th Anniversary RedCLARA!

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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