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RedCLARA is not only an ideal infrastructure for the growth of national networks in the region, with an unprecedented traffic capacity, but also for the development of regional and intercontinental collaborations. By promoting regional cooperation, scientific and technological development and a direct link to worldwide scientific communities, RedCLARA is fundamental for research and education in Latin America: it connects twelve countries and 729 universities (over 671,986 academics, 104,697 researchers and 3,763,141 students) across the continent, at speeds of up to 622 Mbps.

Since its implementation, RedCLARA has been successfully used for the development of projects on such key subjects as climate change, health, education, poverty reduction, computer grids, astronomy, remote instrumentation, biodiversity, and high-energy physics, among others. Furthermore, it has taken part in 17 collaborative projects at both regional and global level; in five of these it has taken a leading role, showing its powerful capacity for articulation between different countries, institutions and researchers.


Projects led by RedCLARA

[accordion_item title='ELCIRA - ongoing'] 

Began on: June 1, 2012
Finished in: October 2014
Funding: EC – FP7 - Infrastructures
General objective: To coordinate a series of collaboration tools and services developed in Europe and Latin America in order to provide an interoperability framework which facilitates the work done by research groups in Europe and Latin America and promote collaboration in joint research projects.
Participants: RedCLARA (Uruguay), Coordinating institution, DANTE (United Kingdom), GARR (Italy), RNP (Brazil), RENATE (Colombia), TERENA (Netherlands), RedIRIS (Spain).
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[accordion_item title='ALICE2 – Completed']

Began on: December 1, 2008
Finished in: January 2013
Funding: @LIS Programme - EC
General objective: To promote and support collaborative research, within Latin America and between the region and Europe, through the consolidation of RedCLARA (Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks) and its network infrastructure and by promoting the creation and management of research communities which work on development-related topics (UN – Millennium Development Goal – MDG) and the topics proposed by the FP7 (7th Framework Programme – European Commission).
Participants: RedCLARA (Uruguay), Coordination institution
Latin America: INNOVA|RED (Argentina), ASDIB (Bolivia), RNP (Brazil), REUNA (Chile), RENATA (Colombia), RedCoNARE (Costa Rica), Cedia (Ecuador), RAICES (El Salvador), RAGIE (Guatemala), CUDI (Mexico), RedCyT (Panama), RAAP (Peru), RAU (Uruguay), CENIT-REACCIUN (Venezuela).
Europe: DANTE (United Kingdom), RENATER (France), GARR (Italy), FCCN (Portugal), RedIRIS (Spain)
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[accordion_item title='IDB-BRP Institutional Repositories of Scientific Documentation (LAReferencia) – Completed']

Began on: June 18th, 2010
Finished in: January 2013
Funding: BID-BPR
General objective:  Contributing to share and give visibility to the scientific production generated in higher education and scientific research institutions; its purpose is the creation of a common strategy and a framework of agreements about the interoperability and management of information for the construction and operation of a federated network of institutional repositories of scientific publications (the BRP), aimed at storing, sharing and giving visibility to Latin America’s scientific production. Such strategy will be aimed at reaching agreements and establishing policies at a regional level on storage, federated access and the retrieval of the collections and services available the definition of interoperability standards, use of tools for document registry, security and quality, intellectual property and copyrights, and other aspects which should be taken into account for the sustainable growth of BRP.
Participants: RedCLARA (Uruguay), Coordinating institution
Argentina: Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCYT), National Research and Education Network of Argentina (INNOVA|RED); Brazil: Brazilian Institute of Science and Technology Information (IBICT); Chile: National Commission for Science and Technology Research (CONICYT), National University Network (REUNA); Colombia: Colombian Institute for Science and Technology Development (COLCIENCIAS), Ministry of Education (MEN), National Academic Network of Advanced Technology (RENATA); Ecuador: National Secretariat for Science and Technology (SENACYT), Ecuadorian Consortium for the Development of Advanced Internet (CEDIA); Peru: Peruvian Academic Network (RAAP), Venezuela – National Centre for Technological Innovation Foundation (CENIT).
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[accordion_item title='IDB-BRP Strengthening of National Networks – Completed']

Began on: January 2007
Finished in: January 2011
Funding: IDB-RPG
General objective: To promote and strengthen national networks in regulatory issues, institutional structure –and the development of a new membership model for RedCLARA -, the management of networks’ business plans and the development of regional topical networks and content development.
Participants: RedCLARA (Uruguay), Coordinating institutionLatin America: INNOVA|RED (Argentina), ADSIB (Bolivia), RNP (Brazil), REUNA (Chile), RENATA (Colombia), CR2Net (Costa Rica), Cedia (Ecuador), RAICES (El Salvador), RAGIE (Guatemala), CUDI (México), RedCyT (Panama), RAAP (Peru), RAU (Uruguay), REACCIUN (Venezuela).
Europe: RHUTA (Honduras), RENIA (Nicaragua), ARANDU (Paraguay)
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[accordion_item title='e-CienciAL – Completed']

Began on: May 2008
Finished in: November 2010
Funding: OAS - FEMCIDI
General objective: To bridge the gap related to the insufficient level of e-Science in Latin America, which is understood as the set of scientific activities developed through the use of globally distributed resources through the Internet.
Participants: RedCLARA (Uruguay), Coordinating institution
INNOVA|RED (Argentina), ADSIB (Bolivia), RNP (Brazil), REUNA (Chile), RENATA (Colombia), Cedia (Ecuador), RAICES (El Salvador), RAGIE (Guatemala), CUDI (México), RedCyT (Panamá), RAAP (Peru), RAU (Uruguay), CENIT-REACCIUN (Venezuela).
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Projects in which RedCLARA has participated

[accordion_item title='CHAIN REDS - ongoing']

Began on: November 2012
Finished in: May 2015
Funding: EC - FP7
General objective: To promote and support scientific and technological collaboration through different e-Infrastructures established and operated in different continents, in order to define a step towards a global ecosystem of e-Infrastructures, which will allow– Virtual Research Communities (VRC), research groups and even individual researchers to access and make an efficient use of globally distributed resources (for example: computing, storage, data, services, tools, applications).
Participants: INFN (Italy) – coordinator, CIEMAT (Spain), GRNet (Greece), CESNET (Czech Republic), UbuntuNet Alliance (Sub-Saharan Africa), RedCLARA (Latin America), IHEP (China), ASREN (Arab States), SIGMA (France).
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[/accordion_item][accordion_item title='CHAIN – Completed']

Began on: December 15, 2010
Finished in: November 2012
Funding: EC - FP7 - Infrastructures
General objective: To coordinate and consolidate efforts and recent results with a vision of interaction model which is uniformed and optimised for e-Infrastructures and specifically for grid interfaces between Europe and the rest of the world.
Participants: INFN (Italy) – coordinator, CIEMAT (Spain), GRNet (Greece), CESNET (Czech Republic), UbuntuNet Alliance (Sub-Saharan Africa), RedCLARA (Latin America), IHEP (China), PSA (India).
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[accordion_item title='ELLA – Completed']

Began on: May 2nd, 2011
Finished in: January 2013
Funding: EC – FP7 - Capacities
General objective: To study alternatives to solve the lack of connectivity between Latin America and the EU, trough the promotion of a greater competitiveness between the providers in the submarine cables market. Thus, the results of this study, which is expected to lead to the construction of a new and efficient cable, will have the social impact of benefiting all users of telecommunication services. A timely installation may generate a fast investment return and therefore be appealing to partners from a commercial perspective.
Participants: GARR (Italy) – Coordinator, RedCLARA (Latin America), RNP (Brazil), FCCN (Portugal), RedIRIS - (Spain), Innova|Red (Argentina).
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[accordion_item title='EVALSO – Completed']

Began on: November 4th 2010
Finished in: June 30th 22011
Funding: EC - FP7
General objective: To allow virtual access to observatories in Latin America. World-class experimental facilities are usually located in remote places, which makes their exploitation socially and economically difficult. The European research community depends on such facilities to fulfil its role and here is where advanced network technologies can play a prevailing role. This project will make use of existing standards whenever possible. 
Participants: Università di Trieste (Italy) – coordinator, ESO, GARR (Italy), Nederlandse Onderzoekschool voor Astronomie, INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Queen Mary University of London, Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (CLARA). National University Network (REUNA - Chile), Astronomisches Institut Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
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[accordion_item title='Telehealth Public Policies in Latin America TTP-LA – Completed']

Began on: 2008
Finished in: 2011
Funding: IDB
General objective: To develop guidelines for the implementation of Telehealth policies in Latin America, through the exchange of experiences that enable their elaboration, implementation and evaluation. 
Participants: Brazil: UFMGMS –Agency responsible for implementation, Ministry of Health, RNP/RUTE, City of Belo Horizonte; CLARA (Latin America); Mexico: Ministry of Health, CENETEC, CINVESTAV; Ecuador: Ministry of Public Health, CEDIA, FUNDATEL; Colombia: Ministry of Social Protection, RENATA; Argentina - Ministry of Health, Chile - Ministry of Health, EL Salvador - Ministry of Health, Uruguay - Ministry of Health, Peru - Ministry of Health.
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[accordion_item title='GISELA – Completed']

Began on: September 21st 2010
Finished in: September2012
Funding: EC – FP7 - Capacidades
General objective: To implement a sustainability model for the Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) based on the National Grid Initiatives (NGI) or on the Equivalent Domestic Grid Structures (EDGS), in association with RedCLARA, Latin American NRENs, in collaboration with the European Grid Initiative (EGI); to provide Virtual Research Communities (VRCs) with an e-Infrastructure and services for related applications required to improve the effectiveness of their research.
Participants: CIEMAT (Spain), CEDIA (Ecuador), CIDETYS (Panama), CLARA (America Latin), CNRS (France), CUBAENERGIA (Cuba), CUDI (Mexico), HLP (France), INFN (Italy), INNOVA-T (Argentina), RAAP (Poland), REUNA (Chile), UdelaR (Uruguay), UFCG (Brazil) , UFRJ (Brazil), ULA (Venezuela), UNAM (Mexico), UNIANDES (Colombia), UDP (Portugal).
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[accordion_item title='EELA-2 – Completed']

Began on: January 1st, 2008
Finished in: January 2010
Funding: EC – FP7 - Capacities
General objective: To build a high-capacity computer grid, with a high-quality and scalable production, providing global access 24/7 to distributed computing, storage and networking resources, which are required by a wide range of applications used in scientific collaborations developed between Europe (EU) and Latin America (LA), with special emphasis on the delivery of a full range of flexible services to meet the applications’ requirements and ensure the long-term sustainability of the e-Infrastructure, beyond the project’s completion date.
Participants: CIEMAT (Spain), CUBAENERGIA (Cuba), CLARA (Latin America), UCC-CMRC (Ireland), HLP (France), CNRS (France), INFN (Italy), LINTI – UNLP (Argentina), REUNA (Chile), SENAMHI (Peru), ULA (Venezuela), UNIANDto ES (Colombia), UNAM (Mexico), UPORTO (Portugal), UFRJ (Brazil) y UTPL (Ecuador). Argentina: ILFP, LSC / UBA. Brazil: CEFET-RJ, UNILASALLE, FIOCRUZ, INCOR/USP, IME, LNCC, ON, RNP, SPRACE, UnB, UFCG, UFF, UFJF, UPMackenzie. Chile: CEAZA, UDEC, UFRO, UTFSM, UVALPO. Colombia: UIS. France: IPGP. Peru: CIP, PUCP, USMP. Portugal: UAVR, UMINHO. Spain: CESGA, MAAT, UC, UCM, UEX, GRyCAP - UPV. Venezuela: USB.
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[accordion_item title='EELA – Completed']

Began on: January 1st, 2006
Finished in: January 2008
Funding: EC – FP6, SSA (Specific Support Action)
General objective: To bridge the gap related to the insufficient level of e-Science in Latin America, which is understood as the set of scientific activities developed through the use of globally distributed resources through the internet.
Participants: Coordinator - CIEMAT (Spain), CSIC (Spain), UFRJ (Brazil), UPV (Spain), ULA (Venezuela), CNEN (Brazil), INFN (Italy), CUBAENERGIA (Cuba), UTFSM (Chile), CLARA (Latin America), UFF (Brazil), UNAM (Mexico), CEDERJ (Brazil), RNP (Brazil), CERN, LIP, SENAMHI (Peru), UC (Spain), REUNA (Chile), UDEC (Chile), REDIRIS (Spain), UNLP (Argentina).
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[accordion_item title='RINGrid – Completed']

Began on: October 1st2006
Finished in: April 2008
Funding: EC - FP6 - Specific Support Action (SSA) for IST (Internet Society Technologies)
General objective:  To validate and make proposals for a standardised use of remote instrumentation in Computer Grids.
Participants: Coordinator - PSNC (Poland), GUP (Austria), GRNET (Greece), CLMC (Bulgaria), UNAM (México), CNIT (Italy), CLARA (Latin America), REUNA (Chile), RNP (Brazil), CNR/ISTI (Italy), UNIS (UK), TUI (Rumania).
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[accordion_item title='GLOBAL – Completed']

Began on: May 2008
Finished in: 2010
Funding: EC - FP6
General objective: To create a web service that coordinates and facilitates the organisation of distributed global events through simple and popular software.
Participants: UPM – Coordinator (Spain), ASSA (Spain), UCL (UK) JSI (Slovenia), UbuntuNet (Malawi).
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[accordion_item title='WHREN/LILA – Completed']

Began on: 2005
Finished in: 2007
Funding: Connection Programme for International Research Networks – NSF, and the Fapesp n° 04/14414-2 Project by the Sao Paulo Academic Network
General Objective:  To increase the rate of discoveries and improve education in the Americas through the creation of an infrastructure which enables the exchange, based on a hybrid network of services which support both specific disciplines and high-performance network services, distributed computing and service networks across large geographical distances.
Participants: USA: FIU – Coordinator, CENIC, StarLight, Internet2; ANSP and RNP (Brazil); CUDI (Mexico), REUNA (Chile), RedCLARA (Latin America).
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[accordion_item title='ALICE – Completed']

Began on: June 2003
Finished in: March 2008
Funding: EC –  @LIS Programme
General objective:  To create a research networks infrastructure in Latin America and interconnect it with its European peer, GÉANT, by means of the internet protocol (IP).
Participants: DANTE (UK), Coordinator institutionEurope: RedIRIS (Spain), RENATER (France), GARR (Italy) and FCCN (Portugal).
Latin America: RETINA (Argentina), ADSIB (Bolivia), RNP (Brazil), REUNA (Chile), Universidad del Cauca (Colombia), CRnet (Costa Rica), RedUniv (Cuba), CEDIA (Ecuador), RAICES (El Salvador), RAGIE (Guatemala), UNITEC (Honduras), CUDI (México), CNU on behalf of RENIA (Nicaragua), RedCyT (Panama), ARANDU (Paraguay), RAP (Peru), RAU (Uruguay) and REACCIUN (Venezuela).
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